In a complex ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) environment, the spark-submit command can be customized with various options to optimize performance, handle large datasets, and configure the execution environment. Here’s a detailed example of a spark-submit command used in such a scenario, along with explanations for each option:

Example spark-submit Command

spark-submit \
  --master yarn \
  --deploy-mode cluster \
  --name complex-etl-job \
  --conf spark.executor.memory=8g \
  --conf spark.executor.cores=4 \
  --conf spark.driver.memory=4g \
  --conf spark.driver.cores=2 \
  --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
  --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors=2 \
  --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=10 \
  --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=200 \
  --conf spark.sql.broadcastTimeout=1200 \
  --conf spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=104857600 \
  --conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer \
  --conf spark.kryo.classesToRegister=org.example.SomeClass,org.example.AnotherClass \
  --conf spark.speculation=true \
  --conf spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes=134217728 \
  --conf spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes=4194304 \
  --files /path/to/external/ \
  --jars /path/to/external/dependency.jar \
  --py-files /path/to/external/ \
  --archives /path/to/external/ \ \
  --input /path/to/input/data \
  --output /path/to/output/data \
  --config /path/to/job/config.yaml

Explanation of Options

  1. --master yarn: Specifies YARN as the cluster manager. YARN manages resources and scheduling for Spark applications.
  2. --deploy-mode cluster: Runs the Spark driver on the cluster rather than on the local machine. Suitable for production environments.
  3. --name complex-etl-job: Sets the name of the Spark application for easier identification and tracking.
  4. --conf spark.executor.memory=8g: Allocates 8 GB of memory for each executor. Adjust based on the memory requirements of your ETL job.
  5. --conf spark.executor.cores=4: Assigns 4 CPU cores to each executor. Determines the parallelism for each executor.
  6. --conf spark.driver.memory=4g: Allocates 4 GB of memory for the driver program. Increase if the driver is handling large amounts of data.
  7. --conf spark.driver.cores=2: Assigns 2 CPU cores to the driver. Ensures sufficient resources for the driver to manage tasks.
  8. --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true: Enables dynamic allocation of executors. Allows Spark to automatically scale the number of executors based on workload.
  9. --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors=2: Sets the minimum number of executors to 2. Ensures that there are always at least 2 executors.
  10. --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=10: Sets the maximum number of executors to 10. Limits the number of executors to avoid over-provisioning.
  11. --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=200: Sets the number of partitions to use when shuffling data for joins or aggregations. Adjust based on the size of the data.
  12. --conf spark.sql.broadcastTimeout=1200: Sets the timeout for broadcasting large datasets to 1200 seconds (20 minutes). Helps in handling large broadcast joins.
  13. --conf spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=104857600: Sets the threshold for automatic broadcasting of tables to 100 MB. Large tables above this threshold will not be broadcasted.
  14. --conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer: Uses Kryo serialization for better performance with complex objects. Replace with the appropriate serializer based on your needs.
  15. --conf spark.kryo.classesToRegister=org.example.SomeClass,org.example.AnotherClass: Registers specific classes with Kryo for optimized serialization. Replace with classes relevant to your application.
  16. --conf spark.speculation=true: Enables speculative execution. Helps in handling straggler tasks by re-running them if they are slow.
  17. --conf spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes=134217728: Sets the maximum size of a single file partition to 128 MB. Helps in controlling the partition size for file-based sources.
  18. --conf spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes=4194304: Sets the cost of opening a file to 4 MB. Used for partitioning logic in file sources.
  19. --files /path/to/external/ Specifies additional files to be distributed to the executors. Use this for configuration files or other resources.
  20. --jars /path/to/external/dependency.jar: Specifies additional JAR files to be included in the classpath. Use this for external dependencies.
  21. --py-files /path/to/external/ Specifies Python files or ZIP archives to be distributed to the executors. Use this for custom Python modules.
  22. --archives /path/to/external/ Specifies archives (e.g., ZIP files) to be extracted and distributed to the executors. Use this for additional resources.
  23. The path to the Python script to be executed. Replace with the path to your ETL script.
  24. --input /path/to/input/data: Command-line argument for the input data path. Use this for passing input parameters to the script.
  25. --output /path/to/output/data: Command-line argument for the output data path. Use this for passing output parameters to the script.
  26. --config /path/to/job/config.yaml: Command-line argument for additional configuration parameters. Use this for passing custom configuration files.

Summary of Key Options

  • Resource Configuration: --conf spark.executor.memory, --conf spark.executor.cores, --conf spark.driver.memory, --conf spark.driver.cores
  • Dynamic Allocation: --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled, --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors, --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors
  • Performance Tuning: --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions, --conf spark.sql.broadcastTimeout, --conf spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold
  • Serialization: --conf spark.serializer, --conf spark.kryo.classesToRegister
  • Execution: --conf spark.speculation
  • File Handling: --conf spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes, --conf spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes
  • Dependencies and Files: --files, --jars, --py-files, --archives

These options help you fine-tune your Spark job to handle complex ETL tasks efficiently and are essential for optimizing performance and resource utilization in a big data environment.

spark-submit \
  --master yarn \
  --deploy-mode cluster \
  --num-executors 10 \
  --executor-cores 4 \
  --executor-memory 16g \
  --driver-memory 16g \
  --conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=2048 \
  --conf spark.driver.memoryOverhead=2048 \
  --conf spark.shuffle.service.enabled=true \
  --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
  --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors=5 \
  --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=15 \
  --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=200 \
  --conf spark.sql.broadcastTimeout=36000 \
  --conf spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=100000000 \
  --conf spark.sql.join.preferSortMergeJoin=true \
  --conf spark.sql.join.preferBroadCastHashJoin=true \
  --conf spark.sql.join.broadcastHashJoinThreshold=100000000 \
  --conf spark.sql.join.sortMergeJoinThreshold=100000000 \
  --conf spark.sql.optimizer.maxIterations=100 \
  --conf spark.sql.optimizer.useMetadataOnly=true \
  --conf spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec=snappy \
  --conf spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema=true \
  --conf spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=true \
  --conf spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc=true \
  --conf spark.kryo.registrationRequired=true \
  --conf spark.kryo.unsafe=false \
  --conf spark.rdd.compress=true \
  --conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer \
  --conf spark.ui.showConsoleProgress=true \
  --conf spark.eventLog.enabled=true \
  --conf spark.eventLog.dir=/path/to/event/log \
  --conf spark.history.fs.logDirectory=/path/to/history/log \
  --conf spark.history.ui.port=18080 \
  --class com.example.MyETLJob \
  --jars /path/to/jar1.jar,/path/to/jar2.jar \
  --files /path/to/file1.txt,/path/to/file2.txt \
  --py-files /path/to/,/path/to/ \
  --properties-file /path/ \
  my_etl_job.jar \
  --input-path /path/to/input \
  --output-path /path/to/output

Here is a comprehensive list of Spark submit options in Excel format:

Spark Submit Options

--masterSpecifies the master URL for the cluster (e.g. yarn, mesos, local)
--deploy-modeSpecifies the deployment mode (e.g. cluster, client)
--num-executorsSpecifies the number of executors to use
--executor-coresSpecifies the number of cores to use per executor
--executor-memorySpecifies the amount of memory to use per executor
--driver-memorySpecifies the amount of memory to use for the driver
--confSpecifies a configuration property (e.g. spark.executor.memoryOverhead)
--classSpecifies the main class to run
--jarsSpecifies the jars to include in the classpath
--filesSpecifies the files to include in the classpath
--py-filesSpecifies the Python files to include in the classpath
--properties-fileSpecifies the properties file to use
--input-pathSpecifies the input path for the job
--output-pathSpecifies the output path for the job
--nameSpecifies the name of the job
--queueSpecifies the queue to use for the job
--proxy-userSpecifies the proxy user to use for the job
--archivesSpecifies the archives to include in the classpath
--packagesSpecifies the packages to include in the classpath
--repositoriesSpecifies the repositories to use for package management
--exclude-packagesSpecifies the packages to exclude from the classpath
--jars-excludeSpecifies the jars to exclude from the classpath
--files-excludeSpecifies the files to exclude from the classpath
--py-files-excludeSpecifies the Python files to exclude from the classpath
--driver-java-optionsSpecifies the Java options to use for the driver
--driver-library-pathSpecifies the library path to use for the driver
--executor-java-optionsSpecifies the Java options to use for the executors
--executor-library-pathSpecifies the library path to use for the executors
--killSpecifies the job to kill

Here is a comprehensive list of Spark submit options in Excel format, including all available options, especially in --conf:

Spark Submit Options

--masterSpecifies the master URL for the cluster (e.g. yarn, mesos, local)
--deploy-modeSpecifies the deployment mode (e.g. cluster, client)
--num-executorsSpecifies the number of executors to use
--executor-coresSpecifies the number of cores to use per executor
--executor-memorySpecifies the amount of memory to use per executor
--driver-memorySpecifies the amount of memory to use for the driver
--confSpecifies a configuration property (e.g. spark.executor.memoryOverhead)
--classSpecifies the main class to run
--jarsSpecifies the jars to include in the classpath
--filesSpecifies the files to include in the classpath
--py-filesSpecifies the Python files to include in the classpath
--properties-fileSpecifies the properties file to use
--input-pathSpecifies the input path for the job
--output-pathSpecifies the output path for the job
--nameSpecifies the name of the job
--queueSpecifies the queue to use for the job
--proxy-userSpecifies the proxy user to use for the job
--archivesSpecifies the archives to include in the classpath
--packagesSpecifies the packages to include in the classpath
--repositoriesSpecifies the repositories to use for package management
--exclude-packagesSpecifies the packages to exclude from the classpath
--jars-excludeSpecifies the jars to exclude from the classpath
--files-excludeSpecifies the files to exclude from the classpath
--py-files-excludeSpecifies the Python files to exclude from the classpath
--driver-java-optionsSpecifies the Java options to use for the driver
--driver-library-pathSpecifies the library path to use for the driver
--executor-java-optionsSpecifies the Java options to use for the executors
--executor-library-pathSpecifies the library path to use for the executors
--killSpecifies the job to kill

–conf options

OptionDescription the name of the application
spark.executor.memorySpecifies the amount of memory to use per executor
spark.executor.coresSpecifies the number of cores to use per executor
spark.driver.memorySpecifies the amount of memory to use for the driver
spark.driver.coresSpecifies the number of cores to use for the driver
spark.shuffle.service.enabledEnables or disables the shuffle service
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabledEnables or disables dynamic allocation
spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutorsSpecifies the minimum number of executors
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutorsSpecifies the maximum number of executors
spark.sql.shuffle.partitionsSpecifies the number of partitions for shuffling
spark.sql.broadcastTimeoutSpecifies the timeout for broadcasting
spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThresholdSpecifies the threshold for auto-broadcast join
spark.sql.join.preferSortMergeJoinSpecifies whether to prefer sort-merge join
spark.sql.join.preferBroadCastHashJoinSpecifies whether to prefer broadcast-hash join
spark.sql.optimizer.maxIterationsSpecifies the maximum number of iterations for optimization
spark.sql.optimizer.useMetadataOnlySpecifies whether to use metadata only for optimization
spark.sql.parquet.compression.codecSpecifies the compression codec for Parquet
spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchemaSpecifies whether to merge schema for Parquet
spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquetSpecifies whether to convert metastore Parquet
spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrcSpecifies whether to convert metastore Orc
spark.kryo.registrationRequiredSpecifies whether registration is required for Kryo
spark.kryo.unsafeSpecifies whether to use unsafe Kryo
spark.rdd.compressSpecifies whether to compress RDDs
spark.serializerSpecifies the serializer to use
spark.ui.showConsoleProgressSpecifies whether to show console progress
spark.eventLog.enabledSpecifies whether to enable event logging
spark.eventLog.dirSpecifies the directory for event logging

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