Hadoop Tutorial: Components, Architecture, Data Processing


  1. What is Hadoop?
    a) A data processing framework
    b) A data storage system
    c) A data analytics tool
    d) A machine learning library
  2. Which company developed Hadoop?
    a) Apache Software Foundation
    b) Google
    c) Yahoo
    d) Facebook
  3. What is HDFS?
    a) Hadoop Distributed File System
    b) Hadoop Data File System
    c) Hadoop Distributed Database System
    d) Hadoop Data Database System
  4. What is the primary function of the NameNode in HDFS?
    a) To store data blocks
    b) To manage metadata
    c) To replicate data
    d) To manage data processing
  5. What is the default block size in HDFS?
    a) 64 MB
    b) 128 MB
    c) 256 MB
    d) 512 MB
  6. What is MapReduce?
    a) A data processing model
    b) A data storage system
    c) A data analytics tool
    d) A machine learning library
  7. What is the primary function of the Mapper in MapReduce?
    a) To reduce data
    b) To map data
    c) To shuffle data
    d) To sort data
  8. What is the primary function of the Reducer in MapReduce?
    a) To map data
    b) To reduce data
    c) To shuffle data
    d) To sort data
  9. What is the difference between HDFS and HBase?
    a) HDFS is for structured data, while HBase is for unstructured data
    b) HDFS is for unstructured data, while HBase is for structured data
    c) HDFS is for batch processing, while HBase is for real-time processing
    d) HDFS is for real-time processing, while HBase is for batch processing
  1. What is the purpose of the YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) in Hadoop?
    a) To manage data storage
    b) To manage data processing
    c) To manage resource allocation
    d) To manage data security
  2. What is the difference between Hive and Pig?
    a) Hive is for SQL-like queries, while Pig is for data processing
    b) Hive is for data processing, while Pig is for SQL-like queries
    c) Hive is for batch processing, while Pig is for real-time processing
    d) Hive is for real-time processing, while Pig is for batch processing
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