Partitioning in SQL, HiveQL, and Spark SQL is a technique used to divide large tables into smaller, more manageable pieces or partitions. These partitions are based on a column (or multiple columns) and help improve query performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.

The main purpose of partitioning is to speed up query execution by limiting the amount of data scanned. Instead of scanning the entire table, the query engine can scan only the relevant partitions.

1. Partitioning in SQL (Relational Databases)

In relational databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQL Server, partitioning can be done by creating partitioned tables. The most common types of partitioning are range partitioning and list partitioning.

Example: Range Partitioning in SQL (PostgreSQL)

In PostgreSQL, you can partition a table by range on a specific column, like date.

-- Step 1: Create a partitioned table
    sale_id SERIAL,
    sale_date DATE,
    amount DECIMAL
) PARTITION BY RANGE (sale_date);

-- Step 2: Create partitions based on date ranges
CREATE TABLE sales_jan2024 PARTITION OF sales
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2024-01-01') TO ('2024-02-01');

CREATE TABLE sales_feb2024 PARTITION OF sales
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2024-02-01') TO ('2024-03-01');

Example: List Partitioning in SQL (PostgreSQL)

In list partitioning, the data is divided based on predefined values in a specific column.

CREATE TABLE employees (
    emp_id SERIAL,
    emp_name TEXT,
    department TEXT
) PARTITION BY LIST (department);

CREATE TABLE employees_sales PARTITION OF employees
    FOR VALUES IN ('Sales');

CREATE TABLE employees_hr PARTITION OF employees

In both cases, the queries on sales or employees will automatically access only the relevant partitions based on the sale_date or department columns.

2. Partitioning in HiveQL

In Hive, partitioning is widely used to divide large datasets into smaller, more manageable parts based on the value of one or more columns (e.g., date, region). The partitions in Hive are typically stored as separate directories in the underlying filesystem (HDFS, S3, etc.).

Hive supports static partitioning and dynamic partitioning:

  • Static Partitioning: Partitions are manually created before inserting data.
  • Dynamic Partitioning: Hive automatically creates partitions based on the data being inserted.

Example: Partitioning in HiveQL

1. Create a Partitioned Table in Hive:
-- Create a partitioned table in Hive on the 'region' column
CREATE TABLE sales_partitioned (
    sale_id INT,
    sale_date STRING,
    amount DECIMAL(10, 2)
  • The PARTITIONED BY (region STRING) clause tells Hive that the table will be partitioned by the region column.
  • Hive stores the data for each partition in separate directories based on the partition column (e.g., region=US, region=EU).
2. Inserting Data into a Partitioned Table (Static Partitioning):
-- Insert data into a specific partition (static partitioning)
INSERT INTO TABLE sales_partitioned PARTITION (region='US')
VALUES (1, '2024-01-01', 100.00), (2, '2024-01-02', 150.00);
3. Dynamic Partitioning in Hive:

In dynamic partitioning, Hive automatically creates partitions based on the data being inserted.

-- Enable dynamic partitioning
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;

-- Insert data with dynamic partitioning
INSERT INTO TABLE sales_partitioned PARTITION (region)
SELECT sale_id, sale_date, amount, region
FROM sales_source;

Here, Hive will automatically create partitions for each region value found in the sales_source table.

3. Partitioning in Spark SQL

In Spark SQL, partitioning is also supported natively when you create a Hive table or when writing data to a file-based storage system like HDFS or S3. Partitioning helps improve query performance by reading only the necessary partitions instead of the entire dataset.

Spark supports partitioning via the PARTITIONED BY clause, just like Hive. However, in Spark DataFrames, partitioning can also be applied at the time of writing.

Example: Partitioning a Table in Spark SQL (Hive Table)

You can partition a Hive-managed table in Spark SQL in a manner similar to HiveQL.

-- Create a partitioned Hive table in Spark SQL
CREATE TABLE sales_partitioned (
    sale_id INT,
    sale_date STRING,
    amount DECIMAL(10, 2)
  • The PARTITIONED BY clause tells Spark SQL to partition the table by the region column.
  • Data is physically partitioned by the values of the region column.

Inserting Data into a Partitioned Table in Spark SQL:

You can also insert data into a specific partition (static partitioning) or use dynamic partitioning.

-- Insert data into a specific partition in Spark SQL
INSERT INTO TABLE sales_partitioned PARTITION (region='US')
VALUES (1, '2024-01-01', 100.00), (2, '2024-01-02', 150.00);

Dynamic Partitioning in Spark SQL:

To enable dynamic partitioning in Spark SQL (similar to Hive), you can follow a similar approach as you would with HiveQL.

SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;

INSERT INTO TABLE sales_partitioned PARTITION (region)
SELECT sale_id, sale_date, amount, region
FROM sales_source;

4. Partitioning When Writing Data with PySpark DataFrames

When writing data to HDFS, S3, or other storage systems, you can partition your data directly at the time of writing.

Example: Partitioning When Writing Data in PySpark:

# Sample data
data = [(1, '2024-01-01', 100.00, 'US'), (2, '2024-01-02', 150.00, 'EU')]
columns = ['sale_id', 'sale_date', 'amount', 'region']

# Create DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Write DataFrame to HDFS, partitioned by the 'region' column

In this example:

  • The partitionBy('region') option ensures that the data is partitioned by the region column when writing to HDFS or any other file system.
  • Each partition is stored in a separate directory based on the partitioning column.

Benefits of Partitioning

  1. Improved Query Performance: When partitioning is used, queries can scan only the relevant partitions instead of the entire table, reducing the amount of data that needs to be read.
  2. Parallelism: Partitioned data can be processed in parallel, which is particularly useful for distributed systems like Hive and Spark.
  3. Efficient Storage: Partitioning helps in organizing data more efficiently, making storage retrieval faster.


  • SQL (PostgreSQL/MySQL): Tables can be partitioned using RANGE or LIST partitioning, which helps improve query performance by limiting the data that is scanned.
  • HiveQL: Partitioning in Hive is key for large-scale data processing. Both static and dynamic partitioning are supported.
  • Spark SQL: Partitioning works similarly to Hive, and you can partition Hive tables or use the DataFrame API to partition data while writing to storage systems like HDFS or S3.

By using partitioning in any of these environments, you can significantly improve the performance of your queries on large datasets. Let me know if you’d like more details on any of the concepts!

Some Question:-

Q.- For Spark partition –df.write.partitionBy(‘key1’).parquet(‘/path/to/hdfs/table_names’). can i use multiple keys to partition?

We can partition a DataFrame by multiple columns when writing it to a Parquet (or any other format) in PySpark. Using multiple columns for partitioning will create a hierarchical directory structure based on the values of those columns.

Partitioning by Multiple Columns

When you use partitionBy() with multiple columns, Spark will create subdirectories for each combination of partition keys.


Suppose you have a DataFrame with columns region and year, and you want to partition the data by both of these columns.

# Sample DataFrame
data = [
    (1, 'John', 100, 'US', 2022),
    (2, 'Mary', 200, 'US', 2023),
    (3, 'Mike', 300, 'EU', 2022),
    (4, 'Sara', 400, 'EU', 2023)

columns = ['id', 'name', 'amount', 'region', 'year']

# Create the DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Write the DataFrame partitioned by 'region' and 'year'
df.write.partitionBy('region', 'year').parquet('/path/to/hdfs/table_names')

Resulting Directory Structure:

This will create a hierarchical directory structure based on the values in the region and year columns.

├── region=US/
│   ├── year=2022/
│   │   └── part-00000.parquet
│   ├── year=2023/
│   │   └── part-00000.parquet
├── region=EU/
│   ├── year=2022/
│   │   └── part-00000.parquet
│   ├── year=2023/
│   │   └── part-00000.parquet
  • Each combination of region and year will have its own partition directory.
  • For example, the data where region = 'US' and year = 2022 will be stored in /region=US/year=2022/.

Reading the Partitioned Data

When you later read this partitioned data, Spark will automatically recognize the partitioned columns (region and year) and handle partition pruning based on your query.

Example: Reading Partitioned Data:

# Read the partitioned data
df_partitioned ='/path/to/hdfs/table_names')

# Query with partition pruning (Spark will read only the relevant partitions)
df_filtered = df_partitioned.filter((df_partitioned["region"] == "US") & (df_partitioned["year"] == 2023))

# Show the filtered data (only data for region 'US' and year '2023')

In this case, Spark will prune partitions and only read the data from the relevant directories (i.e., region=US/year=2023).

Benefits of Partitioning by Multiple Columns:

  • Efficient Data Access: By partitioning on multiple columns (like region and year), you can make queries more efficient by limiting the amount of data Spark needs to scan.
  • Hierarchical Partitioning: Using multiple partition keys creates a directory hierarchy, which helps in organizing large datasets.
  • Partition Pruning: Spark will automatically prune partitions based on the filters you apply on the partition columns. For example, filtering by region or year ensures that only the relevant partitions are read.

Important Notes:

  1. Partitioning Too Many Columns: Be careful not to partition by too many columns, especially those with high cardinality (a large number of unique values). This can result in many small files, which can negatively affect performance due to small file issues.
  2. Combining with Repartitioning: If you need a specific distribution of data (e.g., for joins or aggregations), you can combine partitioning with repartitioning to further optimize how Spark processes the data.

Example: Repartition and PartitionBy:

# Repartition the DataFrame before writing it to ensure better parallelism
df.repartition(10, 'region', 'year') \
  .write.partitionBy('region', 'year') \

Here, repartition(10, 'region', 'year') ensures that the data is evenly distributed across partitions based on region and year before writing it to disk.

  • You can definitely use multiple columns for partitioning in PySpark using the partitionBy() method, and this creates a hierarchical directory structure.
  • Partition pruning is automatically handled when you query based on the partition keys.
  • Avoid over-partitioning or partitioning on columns with too many unique values to prevent performance degradation.

Q. i have created some tables same way as df.write.partitionBy(‘key1’).parquet(‘/path/to/hdfs/table_names’). Ii may use these tables later in pyspark transformation and actions, so will spark execution which invokes partition for jobs via stages – will it care for already partitioned table and its keys?

When you create tables using df.write.partitionBy('region') and store them in Parquet format (or any other partitioned file format) on HDFS or another file system, Spark will be aware of the partitions when reading and processing the data later. However, whether Spark leverages these partitions efficiently depends on how you perform transformations and actions on the DataFrame when reading the partitioned data.

Here’s what you need to understand about Spark’s partitioning behavior and how it works with already partitioned tables:

1. Partition Discovery

When you partition data using partitionBy() (in your case, by the region column), Spark creates a directory structure that looks something like this:

├── region=US/
│   └── part-00000.parquet
├── region=EU/
│   └── part-00000.parquet
├── region=APAC/
│   └── part-00000.parquet
  • Automatic Partition Discovery: Spark automatically discovers the partitions when you load the data back using It uses the directory structure (region=US, region=EU, etc.) to infer that the region column is partitioned.
  • Efficiency: Spark will only read the relevant partitions based on your queries. For example, if you filter on the region column, Spark will prune partitions and read only the files under the relevant directories, improving performance significantly.

2. Partition Pruning

Partition Pruning is the process where Spark skips reading unnecessary partitions based on the query’s WHERE clause. This works when:

  • The filter condition is based on the partition column (e.g., region in your case).
  • Spark can use the partition metadata to avoid reading files in irrelevant directories.
Example of Partition Pruning:

Let’s assume you have a DataFrame stored in Parquet format partitioned by region. When you read the table and perform a filter operation on region, Spark will only scan the relevant partitions.

# Read the partitioned Parquet table
df ='/path/to/hdfs/table_names')

# If you filter on the partition column, Spark will prune partitions
filtered_df = df.filter(df["region"] == "US")

# Perform some action (e.g., count rows)

In this case:

  • Spark will prune the partitions, and it will only read files from the directory /path/to/hdfs/table_names/region=US.
  • Partitions like region=EU or region=APAC will not be scanned, improving the query’s performance.
How Does Partition Pruning Work?

Partition pruning is possible because Spark reads the partition column metadata from the directory structure, not the data files themselves. If you use a filter based on a partitioned column (region), Spark can skip entire partitions.

3. Using Partitioned Data in Transformations

When performing transformations on partitioned data, Spark may or may not use the existing partitioning, depending on how the transformations are structured.

  • Transformations Based on Non-Partitioned Columns: If you filter or transform based on non-partitioned columns, Spark will still scan all the partitions.
  • Transformations Based on Partitioned Columns: If you filter or transform based on the partitioned column (e.g., region), Spark will efficiently prune the unnecessary partitions.
Example: Filtering on Non-Partitioned Columns:
# Read the partitioned Parquet table
df ='/path/to/hdfs/table_names')

# Filtering on a non-partitioned column will scan all partitions
df_filtered = df.filter(df["sales"] > 1000)  # 'sales' is not a partitioned column

# Perform some action (e.g., count rows)
  • In this case, Spark cannot use partition pruning, because the filter is on the sales column, which is not a partition column.
  • All partitions will be scanned, though data processing will still be distributed across the cluster.

4. Impact of Repartitioning on Partitioned Data

If you perform transformations that involve repartitioning (e.g., using repartition() or coalesce()), Spark will create a new logical partitioning scheme. This does not affect the physical partitioning of the original dataset, but it can change how Spark distributes data for that specific operation.

Example of Repartitioning:
# Repartitioning based on a different column
df_repartitioned = df.repartition(10, df["sales"])  # Repartition based on 'sales' column

# Perform some transformations or actions
  • This repartitioning will not preserve the original partitioning by region.
  • Spark will redistribute the data across the cluster based on the sales column, and subsequent operations will work with this new repartitioning for the query.

5. Loading Data with Partitioning Awareness

When loading partitioned data, Spark will automatically infer partitions unless otherwise specified.

Example: Load Partitioned Data in Spark:
# Load partitioned data
df ="basePath", "/path/to/hdfs/table_names").parquet("/path/to/hdfs/table_names/region=US")

# Now Spark reads only the partition for region=US

6. Summary of Partitioning Behavior in PySpark:

  • Partition Discovery: When you save tables using partitionBy(), Spark stores the data in a partitioned directory structure and can automatically discover partitions when reading the data back.
  • Partition Pruning: If you query the partition column (e.g., region), Spark will prune partitions and read only the relevant ones, improving performance.
  • Repartitioning: If you repartition data based on a non-partitioned column, Spark will create a new partitioning scheme for that operation but won’t affect the physical partitions of the stored data.
  • Filters on Non-Partitioned Columns: Queries on non-partitioned columns will still scan all partitions, but the processing will be distributed across the cluster.

By leveraging partition pruning and ensuring that transformations take advantage of existing partitioning, you can significantly improve the performance of your PySpark jobs.

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