A quick reference for date manipulation in PySpark:–

FunctionDescriptionWorks OnExample (Spark SQL)Example (DataFrame API)
to_dateConverts string to date.StringTO_DATE('2024-01-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd')to_date(col("date_str"), "yyyy-MM-dd")
to_timestampConverts string to timestamp.StringTO_TIMESTAMP('2024-01-15 12:34:56', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')to_timestamp(col("timestamp_str"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
date_formatFormats date or timestamp as a string.Date, TimestampDATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE, 'dd-MM-yyyy')date_format(col("date_col"), "dd-MM-yyyy")
current_dateReturns the current date.CURRENT_DATEcurrent_date()
current_timestampReturns the current timestamp.CURRENT_TIMESTAMPcurrent_timestamp()
date_addAdds days to a date.Date, TimestampDATE_ADD('2024-01-15', 10)date_add(col("date_col"), 10)
date_subSubtracts days from a date.Date, TimestampDATE_SUB('2024-01-15', 10)date_sub(col("date_col"), 10)
months_betweenReturns months between two dates or timestamps.Date, TimestampMONTHS_BETWEEN('2024-01-15', '2023-12-15')months_between(col("date1"), col("date2"))
datediffReturns difference in days between two dates/timestamps.Date, TimestampDATEDIFF('2024-01-15', '2024-01-10')datediff(col("date1"), col("date2"))
yearExtracts year from a date or timestamp.Date, TimestampYEAR('2024-01-15')year(col("date_col"))
monthExtracts month from a date or timestamp.Date, TimestampMONTH('2024-01-15')month(col("date_col"))
dayExtracts day from a date or timestamp.Date, TimestampDAY('2024-01-15')day(col("date_col"))
dayofweekReturns the day of the week (1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday).Date, TimestampDAYOFWEEK('2024-01-15')dayofweek(col("date_col"))
dayofmonthReturns the day of the month (1-31).Date, TimestampDAYOFMONTH('2024-01-15')dayofmonth(col("date_col"))
dayofyearReturns the day of the year (1-366).Date, TimestampDAYOFYEAR('2024-01-15')dayofyear(col("date_col"))
weekofyearReturns the week number of the year.Date, TimestampWEEKOFYEAR('2024-01-15')weekofyear(col("date_col"))
quarterExtracts quarter of the year.Date, TimestampQUARTER('2024-01-15')quarter(col("date_col"))
hourExtracts hour from a timestamp.TimestampHOUR('2024-01-15 12:34:56')hour(col("timestamp_col"))
minuteExtracts minute from a timestamp.TimestampMINUTE('2024-01-15 12:34:56')minute(col("timestamp_col"))
secondExtracts second from a timestamp.TimestampSECOND('2024-01-15 12:34:56')second(col("timestamp_col"))
last_dayReturns the last day of the month for a date.Date, TimestampLAST_DAY('2024-01-15')last_day(col("date_col"))
next_dayReturns the next day of the week after a date.Date, TimestampNEXT_DAY('2024-01-15', 'Sunday')next_day(col("date_col"), "Sunday")
truncTruncates a date to the specified part (e.g., month).Date, TimestampTRUNC('2024-01-15', 'MM')trunc(col("date_col"), "MM")
add_monthsAdds months to a date.Date, TimestampADD_MONTHS('2024-01-15', 2)add_months(col("date_col"), 2)
unix_timestampConverts a string to UNIX timestamp.StringUNIX_TIMESTAMP('2024-01-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd')unix_timestamp(col("date_str"), "yyyy-MM-dd")
from_unixtimeConverts UNIX timestamp to a formatted string.Integer (UNIX timestamp)FROM_UNIXTIME(1673827200, 'yyyy-MM-dd')from_unixtime(col("unix_col"), "yyyy-MM-dd")

Now starts our Post:-

PySpark date functions along with detailed explanations and examples on Dataframes

Here’s a comprehensive list of some common PySpark date functions along with detailed explanations and examples on Dataframes(We will again discuss these basis Pyspark sql Queries):

1. current_date()

Returns the current date.

2. current_timestamp()

Returns the current timestamp.

3. date_format()

Formats a date using the specified format.

4. year(), month(), dayofmonth()

Extracts the year, month, and day from a date.

5. date_add(), date_sub()

Adds or subtracts a specified number of days to/from a date.

6. datediff()

Returns the difference in days between two dates.

7. add_months()

Adds a specified number of months to a date.

8. months_between()

Returns the number of months between two dates.

9. next_day()

Returns the first date which is the specified day of the week after the given date.

10. last_day()

Returns the last day of the month which the given date belongs to.

11. trunc()

Truncates a date to the specified unit (‘year’, ‘month’).

12. date_trunc()

Truncates a timestamp to the specified unit (‘year’, ‘month’, ‘day’, ‘hour’, ‘minute’).

13. from_unixtime()

Converts the number of seconds from the Unix epoch to a string representing the timestamp.

14. unix_timestamp()

Converts a string timestamp to the number of seconds from the Unix epoch.

15. to_date()

Converts a string to a date.

16. to_timestamp()

Converts a string to a timestamp.

17. weekofyear()

Returns the week of the year for a date.

18. quarter()

Returns the quarter of the year for a date.

19. dayofweek()

Returns the day of the week for a date.

Example Project: Combining Multiple Date Functions

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