Q1.–We are working with large datasets in PySpark, such as joining a 30GB table with a 1TB table or Various Transformation on 30 GB Data, we have 100 cores limit to use per user , what can be best configuration and Optimization strategy to use in pyspark ? will 100 cores are enough or should we use more?

When working with large datasets in PySpark, such as joining a 30GB table with a 1TB table, optimizing your PySpark configuration is crucial to balance performance and resource utilization. Given the 100-core limit per user, you’ll need to adjust several parameters to ensure the most efficient use of the resources while optimizing Spark’s performance.

Key Considerations for Optimizing PySpark Jobs with 100 Cores:

  1. Memory Allocation and Executor Configuration:
    • Executors: Each executor is a JVM process that runs the tasks, so it’s crucial to size them properly.
    • Number of Executors: You can calculate the number of executors by dividing the total number of available cores by the number of cores per executor.
      • Formula: num_executors = total_cores / cores_per_executor
    • For example, if you set each executor to use 4 cores, then with 100 cores, you can run approximately 25 executors (100 / 4 = 25).
    • Memory Per Executor: Estimate based on data size and transformations.
      • For large joins and transformations, assign 4-8GB per core depending on the job requirements.
      • A general rule is to avoid over-allocating memory to executors, as that can lead to inefficient garbage collection (GC). Start with something like 16-32GB of memory per executor and monitor.
      Example:bashCopy code--num-executors 25 --executor-cores 4 --executor-memory 16G
  2. Partitioning:
    • Data Partitioning: Ensure that the 30GB and 1TB datasets are properly partitioned to avoid skew (some partitions being much larger than others).
    • Increase the Number of Partitions: Spark will automatically try to repartition your data to match the available resources, but you can control this more directly.
      • A good starting point is to have 2-3 partitions per core, so you can start with something like 200-300 partitions for the 100 cores.
      • Example:spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 300)
  3. Broadcast Join for Optimization:
    • Broadcast Join: If the 30GB table fits into the memory of your executors (after considering memory for Spark itself and shuffle), you can broadcast it to all executors. This will eliminate the need to shuffle the large 1TB table and make the join much faster.
      • By default, Spark broadcasts tables smaller than 10MB, but you can increase the threshold.
      • Example: spark.conf.set("spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold", 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) # 10 GB
      • You can also explicitly broadcast the 30GB table using broadcast(): from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast result = large_df.join(broadcast(small_df), "join_key")
  4. Caching and Persisting:
    • If you’re performing multiple transformations on the 30GB table, you may want to cache it to avoid recomputation during each transformation. Use the persist() function if the data is reused across multiple actions.
      • Example:small_df.persist()
  5. Avoid Wide Transformations:
    • Shuffles: Operations like groupBy, join, and distinct cause shuffles, which are expensive and can slow down your job. Where possible, minimize wide transformations that result in a shuffle.
    • Combining Operations: Try to perform as many operations as possible before triggering an action to minimize the number of shuffles.
  6. Garbage Collection and Memory Management:
    • JVM-based executors require tuning of GC (Garbage Collection) if memory usage is high. You can set JVM GC options, or use G1GC for larger memory heaps to avoid long pause times: --conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+UseG1GC"
  7. Parallelism:
    • Ensure that you are fully utilizing all 100 cores. If your job is not parallel enough, you won’t be able to take advantage of the available cores.
    • You can force Spark to parallelize operations using repartitioning where appropriate df = df.repartition(200) # 2x the number of cores for better parallelism
  8. Shuffle Optimization:
    • Optimize shuffle write and read by adjusting shuffle buffers: --conf spark.shuffle.file.buffer=64k --conf spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight=96m
  9. Checkpointing:
    • If the job is long-running and prone to failures, use checkpointing to save intermediate data to a reliable location (HDFS, etc.).

Sample Configuration:

spark-submit \
  --master yarn \
  --deploy-mode cluster \
  --num-executors 25 \
  --executor-cores 4 \
  --executor-memory 16G \
  --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=300 \
  --conf spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=10g \
  --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-XX:+UseG1GC \
  --conf spark.shuffle.file.buffer=64k \
  --conf spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight=96m \

Key Recommendations:

  • 100 cores should be sufficient, but you need to monitor the performance of your job. Monitor CPU utilization, memory usage, and shuffle performance using Spark UI.
  • Broadcast Join the smaller 30GB table to optimize the join with the larger 1TB table.
  • Properly partition data to avoid skew and maximize parallelism.
  • Ensure each executor has enough memory but not too much, to avoid garbage collection issues.

Scaling Beyond 100 Cores:

  • If 100 cores are insufficient (jobs are still slow or resource-starved), you can scale up by requesting more cores.
  • Alternatively, use cloud-based auto-scaling clusters (AWS EMR, Databricks, GCP Dataproc) to dynamically adjust cluster resources based on job demands.

This configuration should serve as a solid starting point for your 30GB-1TB join and transformations.

Q.Step1 df=table read 30 gb.
Step2 df1=some transformations on df
Step3 df2=some transformations on df1
Step4 df3= df2 joined with another dataframe say sf1
in this scenario will it be better to just cache df dataframe or should we cache all df1, df2,df,df3?

In this scenario, you are reading a large 30GB table (df), performing transformations step by step, and finally joining it with another DataFrame (sf1). Whether caching df will be beneficial depends on how many times you are going to reuse the DataFrame and how expensive it is to recompute it.

Key Considerations:

  1. Reusability: If the df DataFrame (or its intermediate forms) is reused multiple times in your transformations, it may be worth caching it. This avoids recomputation during every transformation and subsequent action.
  2. Cost of Recomputing: If reading and transforming the original df is computationally expensive, caching it will save time. On the other hand, if reading df from a source (like Hive, HDFS, etc.) is quick, caching might not be necessary.
  3. Memory Availability: Caching will store the DataFrame in memory. If your cluster has enough memory, caching helps reduce recomputation time. But if memory is limited, caching might lead to frequent evictions, causing more problems than it solves.

How Caching Works in PySpark:

  • df.cache(): This stores the DataFrame in memory, allowing it to be reused across different stages of the job. However, it will consume memory, and if there isn’t enough, Spark will spill to disk.
  • df.persist(): By default, caching uses memory, but persist() allows you to specify different storage levels, such as MEMORY_AND_DISK, which spills to disk when memory runs out.

When to Cache df:

  1. When df Is Reused Multiple Times: If the initial DataFrame (df) or its transformations (df1, df2) are used in multiple actions (e.g., joins, aggregations, etc.), caching helps avoid recomputation.
  2. When Reading df Is Expensive: If reading from the source is slow (e.g., large Hive tables, slow network), caching prevents Spark from having to read the 30GB data again and again.
  3. When Memory Resources Are Sufficient: If your cluster has enough memory to store the DataFrame and still perform operations smoothly, caching will speed up your workflow. If memory is limited, it might be better to avoid caching or use persist() with disk storage options.


# Step 1: Read 30GB table
df = spark.read.format("parquet").load("path_to_table")

# Cache if you will use df multiple times
df.cache()  # Or df.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)

# Step 2: Perform transformations
df1 = df.filter("some_condition")
df2 = df1.withColumn("new_col", some_transformation())

# Step 3: Join with another dataframe
sf1 = spark.read.format("parquet").load("path_to_another_table")
df3 = df2.join(sf1, "common_column")

# Actions: If df is cached, subsequent actions will be faster

Best Practices:

  • Cache df If It Is Used Multiple Times: If df is used more than once in the process, caching can improve performance by eliminating repeated reading and transformations.
  • Persist df If Memory Is Limited: If memory might be an issue, use df.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) instead of cache(). This way, Spark will store some partitions to disk if needed.
  • Avoid Over-Caching: Don’t cache every intermediate DataFrame. Cache only those that are reused across multiple stages or have expensive operations that need to be avoided.

Scenario Analysis:

If you are:

  • Reusing df: Cache df to avoid reading and transforming it multiple times.
  • Using df1 and df2 Once: If each transformation is used only once, then caching df may not be necessary. Instead, cache the DataFrame where you see the highest reuse or computational expense.

In your case, if df is only read once and then goes through transformations without repeated use, caching may not add value. However, if you plan to perform multiple actions on df, caching can be useful to avoid recomputing the 30GB DataFrame repeatedly.


  • Cache df: If df is reused in multiple steps or actions.
  • Don’t Cache df: If it’s used only once and memory is tight.

If you’re unsure about whether to cache, you can measure performance with and without caching by looking at the Spark UI and checking stages for any recomputations.

Q.How to use broadcast on 30 gb dataframe where exectors memory is just 16 gb assigned -with 4 cores per executors?

Broadcasting a 30 GB DataFrame when the executor memory is only 16 GB (with 4 cores per executor) is not a good idea and could lead to performance degradation, memory issues, or task failures.

Here’s why broadcasting a large DataFrame like this is problematic and what alternatives you can consider.

Why Broadcasting 30 GB DataFrame is Problematic:

  • Broadcast Variable Size: Spark uses broadcasting to send a small DataFrame to all worker nodes to avoid shuffling during joins. However, this is only efficient for small DataFrames. For large DataFrames like your 30 GB one, broadcasting will fail because the executors do not have enough memory to hold it.
  • Memory Constraints: You have only 16 GB of memory allocated to each executor. When you broadcast a DataFrame, Spark attempts to load that entire DataFrame into the memory of each executor. A 30 GB DataFrame won’t fit into a 16 GB executor memory, leading to out-of-memory errors and job failure.
  • Inefficient Resource Utilization: Even if broadcasting were somehow successful, such large broadcasts can cause significant strain on the cluster’s resources, with each node holding a copy of the broadcasted DataFrame. This can slow down other jobs, causing memory pressure and frequent garbage collection (GC) pauses.

Alternatives to Broadcasting:

If broadcasting a 30 GB DataFrame is not feasible due to memory limitations, there are other strategies you can employ for optimizing joins and improving performance.

1. Use broadcast() Selectively:

Instead of broadcasting the large 30 GB DataFrame, you should aim to broadcast smaller DataFrames. In Spark, only small DataFrames should be broadcasted to avoid large shuffling. If you have a smaller DataFrame (e.g., dimensions or lookup tables), broadcast that instead of the large one.

pythonCopy codefrom pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast

# Broadcast the smaller DataFrame, not the large one
df_large = spark.read.parquet("path_to_large_table")
df_small = spark.read.parquet("path_to_small_table")

# Broadcast df_small if it's much smaller
df_joined = df_large.join(broadcast(df_small), "join_column")

2. Optimize the Join with Partitioning:

Instead of broadcasting, partition the larger DataFrame (df_large) using the join column, so that the data is co-located on the same node and avoids shuffling.

  • Repartition the large DataFrame by the join key before performing the join to reduce shuffling:
pythonCopy code# Repartition based on the join column before performing the join
df_large_repartitioned = df_large.repartition("join_column")
df_joined = df_large_repartitioned.join(df_small, "join_column")

This reduces the overhead of moving data between nodes and improves join performance.

3. Skewed Data Handling:

If your large DataFrame is highly skewed (i.e., a few keys dominate the distribution), this can cause data skew in joins. To handle skewed data:

  • Salting: Add random values to the join key to distribute the skewed data evenly across the executors, then join based on the salted keys.

4. Bucketing:

For repetitive joins on large datasets, consider bucketing both DataFrames on the join column. Bucketing stores the data in a partitioned way, which can speed up join operations by reducing the need for shuffle:

pythonCopy codedf_large.write.bucketBy(10, "join_column").saveAsTable("bucketed_table_large")
df_small.write.bucketBy(10, "join_column").saveAsTable("bucketed_table_small")

# Later, join the two bucketed tables
df_large_bucketed = spark.read.table("bucketed_table_large")
df_small_bucketed = spark.read.table("bucketed_table_small")

df_joined = df_large_bucketed.join(df_small_bucketed, "join_column")

Bucketed joins can significantly reduce shuffle time for large datasets.

5. Optimize Memory Management:

If you need to handle memory better:

  • Use disk-based storage options (e.g., MEMORY_AND_DISK persist level) when caching DataFrames to avoid overloading memory.
  • Tune the memory management settings like spark.memory.fraction and spark.memory.storageFraction to allocate sufficient memory for storage and execution.


  • Don’t Broadcast Large DataFrames: With your 16 GB per executor configuration, broadcasting a 30 GB DataFrame will almost certainly fail. Instead, only broadcast small DataFrames.
  • Use Partitioning: Repartition your large DataFrame by the join column to optimize join performance and reduce shuffling.
  • Consider Bucketing: For frequent joins on large datasets, consider using bucketing to pre-partition the data and optimize join operations.

By following these strategies, you can optimize your PySpark job without exhausting memory resources on the cluster.

Q.Suppose i will be performing multiple joins , joining key will be pri_id which has millions distinct values, what will be the best strategy to optimize everything?

When performing multiple joins on a column like pri_id with millions of distinct values, optimization is critical to avoid performance bottlenecks such as shuffling, data skew, and memory issues. Below are the best strategies to optimize such joins in PySpark:

1. Repartitioning on cust_id

If you know that cust_id is your primary key for joins, you should repartition the DataFrames on cust_id before joining. This ensures that the data for the same cust_id is colocated on the same nodes, reducing the amount of shuffling required during the join.


pythonCopy code# Repartition all DataFrames by 'cust_id' before joining
df1 = df1.repartition("cust_id")
df2 = df2.repartition("cust_id")
df3 = df3.repartition("cust_id")

# Perform the joins
df_joined = df1.join(df2, "cust_id").join(df3, "cust_id")
  • Why it helps: Repartitioning ensures that the data for each cust_id is processed together, which minimizes shuffling across the network, speeding up the joins.

2. Use of Bucketing

If you’re performing repeated joins on cust_id, bucketing can significantly improve performance. Bucketing stores the data physically partitioned by cust_id in the storage layer. When you bucket both tables on the same column, Spark can perform joins without shuffling, leading to much faster execution.


pythonCopy code# Bucket the DataFrames by 'cust_id'
df1.write.bucketBy(100, "cust_id").saveAsTable("bucketed_table1")
df2.write.bucketBy(100, "cust_id").saveAsTable("bucketed_table2")
df3.write.bucketBy(100, "cust_id").saveAsTable("bucketed_table3")

# Later, read them for joining
bucketed_df1 = spark.read.table("bucketed_table1")
bucketed_df2 = spark.read.table("bucketed_table2")
bucketed_df3 = spark.read.table("bucketed_table3")

# Perform the joins without shuffle
df_joined = bucketed_df1.join(bucketed_df2, "cust_id").join(bucketed_df3, "cust_id")
  • Why it helps: Bucketing avoids shuffle during the join by ensuring that data is already partitioned on the join key at the storage level.

3. Broadcast Join (Only if the Other Table is Small)

If one of the DataFrames involved in the join is relatively small (say, a dimension table or a lookup table), you can use broadcast join to send the smaller DataFrame to all the executors. This avoids shuffling for the small table and speeds up the join.


pythonCopy codefrom pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast

# Broadcast the smaller DataFrame
df_joined = df_large.join(broadcast(df_small), "cust_id")
  • Why it helps: Broadcasting avoids shuffling by replicating the smaller table across all nodes. However, this should not be used if both tables are large.

4. Skew Handling (For Skewed cust_id)

If cust_id is skewed (i.e., some values of cust_id occur disproportionately more than others), Spark can have trouble distributing work evenly across all nodes. One way to handle skew is to use salting, which artificially distributes the skewed keys across multiple partitions.

Salting Example:

pythonCopy codefrom pyspark.sql import functions as F

# Add a salt key to distribute skewed keys
df1 = df1.withColumn("salt", F.expr("floor(rand() * 10)"))
df2 = df2.withColumn("salt", F.expr("floor(rand() * 10)"))

# Perform the join on both 'cust_id' and 'salt'
df_joined = df1.join(df2, (df1.cust_id == df2.cust_id) & (df1.salt == df2.salt))
  • Why it helps: Salting spreads the workload more evenly across the cluster by ensuring that even skewed keys are handled by multiple nodes.

5. Cache/Checkpoint Reusable DataFrames

If you are joining the same intermediate DataFrames multiple times, caching or checkpointing them can save a lot of recomputation. Use .cache() to store DataFrames in memory across actions or .checkpoint() to persist the intermediate results on disk.


pythonCopy code# Cache or checkpoint a DataFrame if it is used in multiple joins
df1.cache()  # or df1.checkpoint()

# Perform the joins
df_joined1 = df1.join(df2, "cust_id")
df_joined2 = df1.join(df3, "cust_id")
  • Why it helps: Caching avoids recomputing the same DataFrame repeatedly across multiple actions, which can significantly reduce job runtime.

6. Optimize Partition Size and Number of Partitions

For large DataFrames, controlling the number of partitions can have a big impact on performance. You can tune the number of partitions using spark.sql.shuffle.partitions for shuffle operations (like joins), ensuring that each partition isn’t too large or too small.


pythonCopy code# Adjust the number of shuffle partitions for optimal performance
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "500")  # Set based on your data and cluster size
  • Why it helps: By tuning the number of partitions, you can optimize the balance between too much parallelism (leading to overhead) and too little parallelism (leading to skewed workloads).

7. Avoid Wide Joins (Large Join Keys)

If possible, avoid using wide columns or complex data structures (like arrays or structs) as join keys. These increase the size of the data being shuffled and can slow down the join operation.

8. Memory Optimization (Executor Configuration)

Ensure that your Spark cluster has sufficient resources allocated to handle the large join. If the cust_id column and resulting joins generate large intermediate datasets, you need to ensure that your Spark configuration (memory, number of cores, and executor instances) is optimized.

Executor Configuration Example:

bashCopy code# Example Spark configurations for large joins
spark-submit \
  --executor-memory 16G \
  --executor-cores 4 \
  --num-executors 50 \
  • Why it helps: Properly configuring your executor memory and cores ensures that your cluster can handle large intermediate datasets and process the join efficiently.

9. Pushdown Filtering

Where possible, push down filtering conditions to the source (like using SQL WHERE clauses). By reducing the number of rows before the join operation, you reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed.

10. Avoid Cartesian Joins

If a join is not possible using cust_id or another column, and you accidentally trigger a Cartesian product, Spark will try to join every row of one DataFrame with every row of another, leading to massive data explosion. Be mindful to specify appropriate join conditions to avoid this scenario.

Putting It All Together:

Example of a Full Optimization Workflow:

pythonCopy code# Step 1: Read the large DataFrames
df_large1 = spark.read.parquet("path_to_large_table1")
df_large2 = spark.read.parquet("path_to_large_table2")
df_large3 = spark.read.parquet("path_to_large_table3")

# Step 2: Repartition based on 'cust_id'
df_large1 = df_large1.repartition("cust_id")
df_large2 = df_large2.repartition("cust_id")
df_large3 = df_large3.repartition("cust_id")

# Step 3: Perform the joins
df_joined = df_large1.join(df_large2, "cust_id").join(df_large3, "cust_id")

# Step 4: Cache the result if it will be used further

# Step 5: Optimize memory settings and partitions
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "500")  # Tune based on data size and cluster resources

# Perform further actions or transformations on the joined DataFrame


For multiple joins on a large dataset with millions of distinct values, the best strategy is a combination of:

  • Repartitioning on the join key (cust_id).
  • Bucketing if the joins are repetitive.
  • Broadcasting only smaller DataFrames.
  • Handling data skew through salting if necessary.
  • Using cache or checkpoint to avoid recomputation.

By following these practices, you can optimize your joins for both performance and resource utilization in PySpark.

Q.How to optimize Joins: sortmerge or shuffle_sort join or shuffle_hash join?

In PySpark, different types of joins can be used based on the data size and distribution, and optimizing joins is crucial for performance. Let’s break down the join strategies you mentioned:

1. Shuffle Hash Join (Default Join Strategy in Spark)

  • How it works: This strategy is used by default when Spark needs to join two large datasets. Both datasets are shuffled across the cluster, and then the join is performed using a hash-based algorithm.
  • When it’s used: Spark will perform a shuffle hash join when both tables are large, and it needs to shuffle the data between the executors to ensure that rows with the same join key end up on the same partition.
  • Disadvantages:
    • It can be expensive due to the need for a full shuffle across the cluster.
    • Memory-intensive, especially if the data is large.
    • May cause out-of-memory errors or spill to disk if the shuffled data cannot fit in memory.

2. Sort Merge Join (Recommended for Large Joins)

  • How it works: In a sort-merge join, Spark first sorts both DataFrames on the join key, and then the sorted data is merged in memory to perform the join.
  • When it’s used: Spark chooses a sort-merge join when:
    • Both datasets are large.
    • The join key columns are not sorted but can be efficiently sorted.
  • Advantages:
    • More efficient for large datasets.
    • Sorting both datasets can eliminate the need for an expensive shuffle if the data is already partitioned or sorted by the join key.
  • Optimization: You can manually enforce this by ensuring that both DataFrames are repartitioned on the join key and sorted before the join:pythonCopy code# Repartition and sort the DataFrames on the join key df1 = df1.repartition("join_key").sortWithinPartitions("join_key") df2 = df2.repartition("join_key").sortWithinPartitions("join_key") # Perform the sort-merge join df_joined = df1.join(df2, "join_key")
  • When to use: This is often a better choice than shuffle hash join for large datasets when both datasets are too large to fit in memory.

3. Shuffle Sort Join (An Improved Strategy Over Shuffle Hash Join)

  • How it works: Similar to shuffle hash join, but before performing the hash-based join, Spark first sorts the data on the join key after the shuffle. This ensures that the data is locally sorted within each partition.
  • Advantages:
    • Reduces memory consumption compared to shuffle hash join because sorting makes it easier to find matching rows.
    • It can reduce the chance of spilling data to disk because of better memory management due to sorting.
  • When it’s used: This strategy is chosen when:
    • The join key is not already sorted in the DataFrame.
    • Both DataFrames are too large to fit in memory (like in shuffle hash join), but sorting them makes the join more efficient.
  • How to enforce: Spark chooses shuffle sort join automatically when it’s more efficient. If you’re not seeing it, you can ensure that your DataFrames are repartitioned and sorted before the join.

When to Choose Sort-Merge or Shuffle Sort Over Shuffle Hash Join

  1. Sort Merge Join:
    • Use when both datasets are large, and you’re willing to sort the data to minimize shuffle cost.
    • Efficient for large datasets with a high volume of rows and when dealing with sorted or partitioned data.
  2. Shuffle Sort Join:
    • Use when data doesn’t fit into memory, but sorting the shuffled data can help the join process.
    • Offers more memory efficiency over shuffle hash join by reducing the chances of out-of-memory errors.

Example to Force a Sort-Merge Join

pythonCopy code# Let's assume df1 and df2 are large DataFrames with a common join key 'cust_id'

# Step 1: Repartition by join key to ensure the data is colocated on the same nodes
df1 = df1.repartition("cust_id").sortWithinPartitions("cust_id")
df2 = df2.repartition("cust_id").sortWithinPartitions("cust_id")

# Step 2: Perform the join (Spark will now use sort-merge join strategy)
df_joined = df1.join(df2, "cust_id")

Configuration for Join Strategy Optimization

You can also influence Spark’s join strategy via configuration settings.

  • Sort Merge Join: To prefer sort-merge join over shuffle hash join, set the following configuration:pythonCopy codespark.conf.set("spark.sql.join.preferSortMergeJoin", "true")
  • Shuffle Hash Join: To disable shuffle hash join (if you want to avoid it):pythonCopy codespark.conf.set("spark.sql.join.preferSortMergeJoin", "true")

Key Points for Join Optimization

  1. Repartition on the Join Key: Ensure both DataFrames are repartitioned on the join key before performing the join.
  2. Broadcast Small DataFrames: If one of the DataFrames is small, use a broadcast join to avoid shuffle.
  3. Avoid Shuffle Hash Join: For large datasets, shuffle hash join can be memory-intensive. Use sort-merge join or shuffle sort join instead.
  4. Tune the Number of Shuffle Partitions: You can adjust the spark.sql.shuffle.partitions parameter to control the number of partitions used in shuffle operations:pythonCopy codespark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "500") # Adjust based on data size


  • Sort-merge join is typically more efficient than shuffle hash join for large datasets because it eliminates the need for a full shuffle and sorts the data to improve join performance.
  • Shuffle sort join is more efficient than shuffle hash join when memory is constrained because sorting helps manage memory better.

In summary, for large datasets, prefer sort-merge joins or shuffle sort joins over the default shuffle hash join for better performance, especially when you’re dealing with limited memory or large distinct keys like cust_id.

Q.How to decide Number of Shuffle Partitions?

Deciding the optimal number of shuffle partitions in PySpark is crucial for performance tuning, especially for operations that involve shuffling data, such as joins, groupBy, and aggregations. The configuration parameter spark.sql.shuffle.partitions controls the number of partitions created during shuffling operations.

Here’s a step-by-step approach for determining the ideal number of shuffle partitions:

1. Understand the Default Behavior

By default, Spark uses 200 shuffle partitions (spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 200). While this works fine for smaller jobs, it might not be optimal for larger datasets or clusters with many cores. Too few partitions can lead to under-utilized resources, and too many can result in excessive overhead.

2. Factors to Consider

When deciding the number of shuffle partitions, consider the following key factors:

a. Size of the Data

  • The larger the dataset, the more partitions you will need to process the data efficiently.
  • For example, a dataset of 1TB would typically need more partitions than a dataset of 10GB.

b. Number of Executors and Cores

  • You want to create enough partitions to fully utilize the available cores on the executors.
  • Typically, each executor can process one task per core. So, the number of shuffle partitions should be proportional to the number of cores available.

Total shuffle partitions ≈ Total cores × 2

For example, if you have 10 executors with 4 cores each, you would aim for 80 partitions (10 executors × 4 cores × 2 = 80 partitions). The “×2” factor ensures that there are always tasks in the queue to keep cores busy.

c. Partition Size

  • A good partition size for most Spark jobs is in the range of 128MB to 256MB. If the partitions are too small, you get overhead from task scheduling; if too large, you risk out-of-memory errors.

Formula to determine shuffle partitions based on partition size:
Total shuffle partitions = Total data size / Target partition size

For example, if you have 1TB of data and you want partitions to be 256MB each:
1TB / 256MB = 4,000 partitions

d. Nature of the Job

  • Jobs with heavy shuffling, such as wide transformations (join, groupBy, etc.), need more partitions to distribute the load across executors efficiently.
  • Jobs with minimal shuffling, such as map-only transformations, might not require as many partitions.

e. Network and Disk I/O

  • If network bandwidth or disk I/O is a bottleneck in your cluster, creating more shuffle partitions can help reduce the size of data transferred between partitions, which reduces bottlenecks.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Tune Shuffle Partitions

Step 1: Start with the Default (200)

  • First, run your job with the default spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 200.
  • Measure performance metrics like job duration, executor utilization, shuffle read/write sizes, and memory usage.

Step 2: Check Partition Size

  • After running the job, check the size of the partitions in the Spark UI. Look at the “Stages” tab in the UI to see how large the shuffle data is.
  • If partitions are significantly smaller than the target (128MB – 256MB), you likely have too many partitions.
  • If partitions are significantly larger, you likely have too few partitions.

Step 3: Adjust Based on Cluster Resources

  • Calculate the total number of cores in your cluster. For instance, if you have 10 executors, each with 8 cores, your total number of cores is 80.
  • Multiply the total number of cores by 2 to get a good starting point for shuffle partitions.

If you have 80 total cores, try setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 160 (80 cores × 2).

pythonCopy codespark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "160")

Step 4: Adjust Based on Data Size

  • If you’re processing a 1TB dataset and aiming for 256MB partition size, calculate:
Total shuffle partitions = 1TB / 256MB = 4,000

Set the shuffle partitions based on the data size:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "4000")

Step 5: Test and Iterate

  • After adjusting the number of partitions, rerun the job and compare the performance with the previous run.
  • Look at job duration, executor CPU and memory usage, and shuffle read/write metrics in the Spark UI.

Step 6: Monitor Task Time

  • Tasks should ideally take 100ms to a few seconds to run. If tasks are completing too quickly, you may have too many partitions, causing overhead. If tasks are taking too long, you may have too few partitions.
  • Adjust the partition count accordingly.

4. Other Optimizations to Consider

  • Broadcast Joins: If one of the DataFrames in a join is small, broadcasting it can avoid shuffling altogether.pythonCopy codebroadcast_df = broadcast(small_df) large_df.join(broadcast_df, "join_key")
  • Coalesce/ Repartition: After shuffling operations, you can reduce the number of partitions using coalesce to avoid creating too many small partitions, or you can repartition the DataFrame before a join to optimize partitioning based on the join key.pythonCopy codedf = df.repartition(1000, "join_key") # Repartition by the join key

5. Summary of Formulae

  1. Based on cluster resources (cores):
    • Total shuffle partitions ≈ Total cores × 2
  2. Based on data size:
    • Total shuffle partitions = Total data size / Target partition size (128MB – 256MB)
  3. Monitor task time:
    • If tasks are too short (<100ms), reduce partitions.
    • If tasks are too long (>5 seconds), increase partitions.

By adjusting the number of shuffle partitions appropriately, you can greatly improve the performance of your PySpark jobs. Always consider your data size, cluster resources, and job complexity when tuning shuffle partitions.

Q.Is there any relation between Number of Shuffle Partitions and partitions and parallelism?

Yes, there is a relationship between the number of shuffle partitions, partitions, and parallelism in PySpark. These three concepts directly affect how PySpark executes your job, particularly how it distributes tasks and parallelizes processing across the cluster.

Let’s break down each concept and how they relate to each other:

1. Shuffle Partitions

  • Shuffle partitions are the number of partitions that are created when a shuffle operation (like join, groupBy, distinct, or aggregate) occurs. The configuration spark.sql.shuffle.partitions controls the number of shuffle partitions for these operations.
  • Shuffling data involves repartitioning the data to distribute it evenly across multiple nodes or tasks. Too many shuffle partitions can result in small tasks and overhead; too few can cause large partitions, leading to memory issues.

2. Partitions

  • A partition is a chunk of data that can be processed independently in Spark. When you read a dataset (e.g., from a file or database), it is automatically divided into partitions, depending on the input source and the number of workers in the cluster.
  • The number of partitions controls the parallelism of the computation. Each partition is processed by a single task, and each task is processed by a single core.
    • For example, if your data is read from HDFS, it might initially be split into partitions based on the block size (usually 128MB).
    • You can also manually repartition data using the repartition() or coalesce() methods.

3. Parallelism

  • Parallelism refers to the number of concurrent tasks that can be executed simultaneously by Spark. It depends on the number of cores available in the cluster and the number of partitions.
    • If you have 100 partitions and 50 cores, Spark can execute 50 tasks in parallel, and when they complete, it will execute the next 50 tasks.
    • The level of parallelism is controlled by the number of partitions: more partitions allow for more parallelism, but they also create more tasks (which increases task scheduling overhead).

Relationship Between Shuffle Partitions, Partitions, and Parallelism

Number of Shuffle Partitions

  • The number of shuffle partitions controls how data is divided during shuffle operations (e.g., groupBy, join, distinct).
  • The number of shuffle partitions directly affects parallelism for operations that require shuffling. More shuffle partitions mean Spark will create more tasks during the shuffle phase, which allows for greater parallelism.
  • For example, if you have 200 shuffle partitions and 50 cores, Spark can run 50 tasks in parallel and will process the remaining 150 tasks in subsequent waves.

Partitions and Parallelism

  • The number of partitions dictates the number of tasks that will be created for a particular operation. Each partition is processed by one task, and tasks run in parallel depending on the number of cores.
    • If you have more partitions than cores, the tasks will be executed in waves until all tasks are completed.
    • If you have fewer partitions than cores, some cores will be idle, which reduces parallelism and resource utilization.

Parallelism and Shuffle Partitions

  • Parallelism is largely determined by both the number of shuffle partitions and the number of partitions of the dataset. If the number of shuffle partitions is lower than the number of cores, you may not fully utilize the cluster resources.
  • Having too few partitions or shuffle partitions can lead to low parallelism, as the tasks cannot fully use the available cores. This results in underutilized resources and potentially longer job completion times.
  • Conversely, having too many partitions (or shuffle partitions) may lead to overhead in task scheduling and management, which can also impact performance.

Key Considerations

  1. More Shuffle Partitions = Higher Parallelism: The more shuffle partitions you have, the more tasks Spark can execute in parallel. However, this must be balanced with the number of cores to avoid overhead from managing too many small tasks.
  2. Partition Size and Parallelism: Optimal partition sizes (typically between 128MB to 256MB) ensure that each task processes a reasonable amount of data. If partitions are too small, you get too many tasks with too much overhead. If they are too large, you may run into memory issues.
  3. Balancing Shuffle Partitions and Partitions: During shuffle operations (such as joins, aggregations, or wide transformations), Spark will repartition data based on the number of shuffle partitions. The number of shuffle partitions should be aligned with the available cluster resources (i.e., the number of executors and cores) and the size of the data being processed.
  4. Dynamic Allocation: If Spark is dynamically allocating resources, the number of partitions and shuffle partitions should scale according to the size of the data and the available resources.

Example of Relationships

Let’s assume you have:

  • A cluster with 100 cores.
  • A dataset partitioned into 1,000 partitions.
  • A shuffle operation with the default of 200 shuffle partitions.
  1. Partitioning and Parallelism: With 1,000 partitions, Spark can assign 1,000 tasks, but only 100 tasks can run in parallel (since you have 100 cores). The remaining 900 tasks will be queued and processed after the first wave finishes.
  2. Shuffle Partitions and Parallelism: If you perform a shuffle operation (like a join), Spark will repartition the data into 200 shuffle partitions. This will create 200 tasks for the shuffle stage, but since you have 100 cores, only 100 tasks will run in parallel at a time. The remaining 100 tasks will run in the next wave.
  3. Increasing Shuffle Partitions for Higher Parallelism: If you increase the shuffle partitions to 400, then Spark will divide the shuffle stage into 400 tasks. With 100 cores, Spark will run 100 tasks in parallel, followed by the next 300 tasks in subsequent waves. This improves parallelism but could also lead to overhead if the tasks are too small.

Tuning Tips

  • Number of Shuffle Partitions: Set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to a value that balances the number of tasks with the number of cores and data size. A good starting point is to set it to 2 to 4 times the number of cores.
  • Partition Size: Ensure partition sizes are reasonable (128MB to 256MB) to avoid overwhelming memory or creating too many small tasks. Use repartition() or coalesce() where appropriate.
  • Monitor Parallelism: Use the Spark UI to monitor how many tasks are running in parallel and how long each task takes. Adjust the number of partitions and shuffle partitions based on this information.

By managing these factors, you can optimize the distribution of tasks and make the best use of available cluster resources.

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