Spark SQL- operators Cheatsheet- Explanation with Usecases

Spark SQL Operators Cheatsheet

1. Arithmetic Operators

+a + bAdds two valuesSELECT 5 + 3;
-a - bSubtracts one value from anotherSELECT 5 - 3;
*a * bMultiplies two valuesSELECT 5 * 3;
/a / bDivides one value by anotherSELECT 6 / 2;
%a % bReturns the remainder of divisionSELECT 5 % 2;

2. Comparison Operators

=a = bEqual toSELECT * FROM table WHERE col = 10;
!= or <>a != b or a <> bNot equal toSELECT * FROM table WHERE col != 10;
>a > bGreater thanSELECT * FROM table WHERE col > 10;
<a < bLess thanSELECT * FROM table WHERE col < 10;
>=a >= bGreater than or equal toSELECT * FROM table WHERE col >= 10;
<=a <= bLess than or equal toSELECT * FROM table WHERE col <= 10;

3. Logical Operators

ANDa AND bReturns true if both conditions are trueSELECT * FROM table WHERE a > 10 AND b < 20;
ORa OR bReturns true if any condition is trueSELECT * FROM table WHERE a > 10 OR b < 20;
NOTNOT aReverses the boolean value of a conditionSELECT * FROM table WHERE NOT a > 10;

4. String Operators

```ab`Concatenates two strings`SELECT ‘Hello’‘ World’;`
LIKEa LIKE patternMatches a string to a patternSELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'A%';
RLIKEa RLIKE patternMatches a string to a regex patternSELECT * FROM table WHERE name RLIKE '^A';
ILIKEa ILIKE patternCase-insensitive LIKE pattern matchingSELECT * FROM table WHERE name ILIKE 'a%';

5. Null Handling Operators

IS NULLa IS NULLChecks if a value is NULLSELECT * FROM table WHERE col IS NULL;
NULLIFNULLIF(a, b)Returns NULL if a equals b, otherwise aSELECT NULLIF(10, 10);
COALESCECOALESCE(a, b, ...)Returns the first non-NULL valueSELECT COALESCE(NULL, 'default');

6. Set Operators

UNIONquery1 UNION query2Combines results of two queries (removes duplicates)SELECT col FROM table1 UNION SELECT col FROM table2;
UNION ALLquery1 UNION ALL query2Combines results of two queries (includes duplicates)SELECT col FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT col FROM table2;
INTERSECTquery1 INTERSECT query2Returns common rows from both queriesSELECT col FROM table1 INTERSECT SELECT col FROM table2;
EXCEPTquery1 EXCEPT query2Returns rows from the first query not in the secondSELECT col FROM table1 EXCEPT SELECT col FROM table2;

7. Aggregate Functions (Operators)

COUNTCOUNT(*) or COUNT(col)Counts rows or non-NULL valuesSELECT COUNT(*) FROM table;
SUMSUM(col)Sums up numeric valuesSELECT SUM(sales) FROM table;
AVGAVG(col)Calculates the averageSELECT AVG(price) FROM table;
MINMIN(col)Finds the minimum valueSELECT MIN(price) FROM table;
MAXMAX(col)Finds the maximum valueSELECT MAX(price) FROM table;
GROUP BYGROUP BY colGroups rows based on a column valueSELECT category, SUM(sales) FROM table GROUP BY category;

8. Window Functions

ROW_NUMBERROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col ORDER BY col2)Assigns a unique number to each row within a partitionSELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY category ORDER BY sales) AS rank FROM table;
RANKRANK() OVER (PARTITION BY col ORDER BY col2)Assigns rank to rows with gaps for duplicatesSELECT RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY category ORDER BY sales DESC) AS rank FROM table;
DENSE_RANKDENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY col ORDER BY col2)Assigns rank to rows without gapsSELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY category ORDER BY sales DESC) AS rank FROM table;
NTILENTILE(n) OVER (PARTITION BY col ORDER BY col2)Divides rows into n bucketsSELECT NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY sales) AS quartile FROM table;
LEADLEAD(col, offset, default) OVER (PARTITION BY col ORDER BY col2)Accesses the value of the next rowSELECT LEAD(sales, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY date) FROM table;
LAGLAG(col, offset, default) OVER (PARTITION BY col ORDER BY col2)Accesses the value of the previous rowSELECT LAG(sales, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY date) FROM table;

9. Miscellaneous Operators

CASTCAST(expr AS type)Converts a value to a specified typeSELECT CAST(price AS STRING) FROM table;
CASECASE WHEN condition THEN result ELSE result ENDConditional logicSELECT CASE WHEN sales > 100 THEN 'High' ELSE 'Low' END AS category FROM table;
DISTINCTDISTINCT colReturns unique valuesSELECT DISTINCT category FROM table;

This cheatsheet provides a comprehensive overview of commonly used Spark SQL operators and functions with their syntax, descriptions, and examples. Use it as a reference to efficiently write and optimize Spark SQL queries!

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