1. PROC PRINT: Syntax: PROC PRINT [DATA=dataset_name] [VAR variables]; Use: Prints the contents of a SAS dataset in a tabular format. You can specify a subset of variables to print using the VAR option. 2. PROC SORT: Syntax: PROC SORT DATA=dataset_name…
Explain SAS PDV step by step with a example
The Program Data Vector (PDV) is a critical concept in SAS programming, particularly in the context of the DATA step. It represents the current state of data processing during the execution of a DATA step. Let’s delve into how the SAS PDV works in detail: 1….
SAS Reading and writing data- Important Points and Interview Question and Answers
SAS: Reading and Writing Data – Important Points and Interview Q&A Important Points: Reading Data: SAS offers various tools to read data from different sources: SAS datasets (.sas7bdat): Use the SET statement to read existing SAS datasets. CSV files: Use…
Mastering Data Analysis with Python Pandas: An Interactive Tutorial
Welcome to the ultimate guide for mastering data analysis with Python Pandas! Whether you’re new to Pandas or looking to level up your skills, this interactive tutorial will cover everything you need to know to become proficient in data manipulation and analysis…
Database Structures,managing Databases, Schemas, Tablespaces
What is database structure? A database structure is the blueprint that defines how data is arranged ,organized, stored, accessed, and managed within a database. It’s the underlying framework that ensures efficient data handling, minimizes redundancy, and…
SQL Data Types(Numeric, String & Date)- Default Values- PL/SQL, Hive
SQL (Structured Query Language) supports various data types to represent different kinds of data. These data types define the format and constraints of the data stored in each column of a table. Here are some common SQL data types: Numeric Types: INT: Integer type,…
What is SQL, Data Database, DBMS , RDBMS, SQL Commands Categories
In this BlogPost we would like to define Most Basic Terms in SQL:- What is SQL, Data Database, DBMS , RDBMS. What is SQL? SQL is a language used for relational databases to query or get data out of a database. SQL is also referred to as SQL and is short for its…
Python Control Flow Statements:- IF-Elif-Else, For & While Loop, Break, Continue, Pass
Python control flow statements are constructs used to control the flow of execution within a Python program. Python control flow statements are powerful tools that dictate how your program executes. They allow your code to make decisions, repeat tasks conditionally,…
Functions in Python- Syntax, execution, examples
Functions in Python- Definition Functions in Python are blocks of code that perform a specific task, and they can be defined using the def keyword. Function template def function_name(input_varibales, …): processing return output_value_or_exppression output_variable…
Python Data Types, Type Casting, Input(), Print()
In Python, data types define the type of data that can be stored in variables. Here are the main data types in Python: 1. Numeric Types: int: Integer values (e.g., 5, -3, 1000) float: Floating-point values (e.g., 3.14, -0.001, 2.0) 2. Sequence Types: str: Strings,…
Python Syntax – Main Points
Python syntax refers to the rules and conventions that dictate how Python code is written and structured. Here are some fundamental aspects of Python syntax: Statements and Indentation: Python uses indentation to define blocks of code, such as loops, conditionals, and…
Indexing in SQL- Explain with examples
Indexing in SQL is a technique used to improve the performance of queries by creating special data structures (indexes) that allow for faster data retrieval. Indexes are created on one or more columns of a table, and they store the values of those columns in a sorted…
Pattern matching in SQL- Like Operator
LIKE Operator: The LIKE operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column. It allows the use of wildcards: % (percent sign): Matches zero or more characters. _ (underscore): Matches any single character. Examples: SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last_name…
What is Normalization, Denormalization concepts in Database Design?
Normalization and denormalization are two opposing database design techniques aimed at achieving different goals. Let’s explore each concept: Normalization: Normalization is the process of organizing the data in a database to minimize redundancy and dependency….
How to design and create well-structured and efficient database schema in SQL
Designing a well-structured and efficient database schema in SQL involves several steps and considerations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you design a database schema that meets your application requirements while ensuring efficiency, scalability, and…
List out Performance optimization steps for SQL
Optimizing SQL performance is crucial for ensuring that database operations are efficient and scalable. Here are some steps you can take to optimize SQL performance: Indexing: Proper indexing can significantly improve query performance. Identify columns frequently…