What is Hive?

Hive a Data warehouse infra

Hive is an open-source data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop for providing data summarization, query, and analysis. It allows users to query and manage large datasets residing in distributed storage using a SQL-like language called HiveQL. Here’s an overview of Hive:

Features of Hive:

  1. SQL-Like Interface: Hive provides a SQL-like interface called HiveQL, which allows users to write queries similar to SQL for data processing and analysis.
  2. Scalability: Hive is designed to work with large-scale datasets stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and can efficiently process petabytes of data.
  3. Schema-on-Read: Unlike traditional databases where the schema is defined upfront, Hive follows a schema-on-read approach, allowing users to apply the schema to the data when querying it.
  4. Data Types: Hive supports various primitive and complex data types, including numeric types, string types, date and time types, arrays, maps, and structs.
  5. Extensibility: Hive is highly extensible and supports custom user-defined functions (UDFs), user-defined aggregates (UDAFs), and user-defined table functions (UDTFs) for advanced data processing tasks.
  6. Integration with Hadoop Ecosystem: Hive integrates seamlessly with other components of the Hadoop ecosystem, such as HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, and HBase, allowing users to leverage the full power of Hadoop for data processing.

Components of Hive:

  1. Metastore: The Metastore is a central repository that stores metadata information about Hive tables, partitions, columns, data types, and storage locations.
  2. Hive Server: The Hive Server provides a thrift and JDBC/ODBC interface for clients to interact with Hive and execute HiveQL queries.
  3. Hive CLI: The Hive Command Line Interface (CLI) is a shell-like interface that allows users to interact with Hive and execute HiveQL queries from the command line.
  4. Hive Web Interface: Hive also provides a web-based interface called Beeline, which allows users to run HiveQL queries through a web browser.

Use Cases of Hive:

  1. Data Warehousing: Hive is commonly used for building data warehouses and data lakes to store and analyze large volumes of structured and semi-structured data.
  2. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Hive can be used for performing ETL operations on data stored in Hadoop, including data extraction, transformation, and loading into target systems.
  3. Ad Hoc Querying: Hive enables users to run ad hoc queries on large datasets stored in Hadoop, allowing for exploratory data analysis and interactive querying.
  4. Batch Processing: Hive can execute batch processing jobs using MapReduce or Tez, making it suitable for running batch-oriented data processing tasks.

Overall, Hive provides a powerful and flexible platform for managing and analyzing big data in Hadoop environments, making it a popular choice for organizations dealing with large-scale data processing and analytics requirements.

Below are key Hive terms and concepts that you should be familiar with:

1. HiveQL (Hive Query Language)

  • What is it?: HiveQL is a SQL-like language used in Hive for querying and managing large datasets. It supports many SQL features like SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, JOIN, and more.
  • Usage: Write queries to retrieve, aggregate, and manipulate data stored in Hive tables.
  • Example: SELECT name, age FROM users WHERE age > 30;

2. Metastore

  • What is it?: The Hive Metastore is a central repository that stores metadata about the tables, partitions, columns, and data types in Hive.
  • Components:
    • Metastore Service: A service that provides metadata access.
    • Metastore Database: A database (commonly MySQL or PostgreSQL) where metadata is stored.
  • Importance: The Metastore is crucial for Hive’s functioning as it keeps track of the schema and the data locations.

3. Tables

  • What are they?: Tables in Hive are logical representations of data stored in HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) or other storage systems.
  • Types:
    • Managed Tables (Internal Tables): Hive manages the data and the table itself. Data is stored in a specific location in the warehouse directory.
    • External Tables: Hive only manages the schema; the data is stored externally in a location specified by the user. Dropping the table doesn’t delete the data.
  • Example: CREATE TABLE managed_table (id INT, name STRING); CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE external_table (id INT, name STRING) LOCATION '/path/to/data';

4. Partitions

  • What are they?: Partitions in Hive divide a table into parts based on the values of specific columns (partition keys). This helps in efficient querying by scanning only relevant parts of the data.
  • Example: CREATE TABLE sales (id INT, amount DOUBLE) PARTITIONED BY (year INT, month INT);
  • Use Case: Partitioning by date columns to improve query performance for time-based queries.

5. Bucketing

  • What is it?: Bucketing is a technique to divide data into fixed-size chunks, or “buckets,” based on the hash value of a column.
  • How it Works: Data is distributed across a fixed number of buckets, which can help in optimizing joins and aggregations.
  • Example: CREATE TABLE employees (id INT, name STRING) CLUSTERED BY (id) INTO 10 BUCKETS;

6. SerDe (Serializer/Deserializer)

  • What is it?: SerDe is a framework in Hive that handles the reading and writing of data. It tells Hive how to interpret data stored in HDFS.
  • Types:
    • Built-in SerDes: For common formats like JSON, Parquet, ORC.
    • Custom SerDes: You can create your own SerDe for specialized formats.
  • Example: CREATE TABLE data_in_json (json STRING) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe';

7. Hive Execution Engine

  • What is it?: The engine responsible for executing Hive queries. Hive initially used MapReduce as its execution engine but has since evolved to support Tez and Spark.
  • MapReduce: The traditional, slower engine.
  • Tez: Optimized for low-latency queries.
  • Spark: Offers better performance for complex data processing.

8. UDF, UDAF, and UDTF

  • UDF (User-Defined Function): Custom functions to process individual rows. You can write UDFs in Java, Python, or other languages. SELECT MY_UDF(column) FROM my_table;
  • UDAF (User-Defined Aggregation Function): Custom aggregation functions, like SUM or COUNT, but defined by the user.
  • UDTF (User-Defined Table-Generating Function): Functions that transform a single input row into multiple output rows.

9. Hive File Formats

  • TextFile: The default file format, stores data as plain text.
  • SequenceFile: A binary format that stores data in key-value pairs.
  • RCFile (Record Columnar File): A columnar storage format, which improves read performance.
  • ORC (Optimized Row Columnar): Highly efficient for both storage and query performance, supports compression and schema evolution.
  • Parquet: A columnar storage format that is efficient and highly compatible with big data tools.

10. Hive Data Types

  • Primitive Types: INT, STRING, BOOLEAN, DOUBLE, etc.
  • Complex Types:
    • ARRAY: Collection of elements of the same data type.
    • MAP: Key-value pairs.
    • STRUCT: A record with multiple fields of different types.
  • Example: CREATE TABLE complex_data ( id INT, attributes STRUCT<height:INT, weight:DOUBLE>, tags ARRAY<STRING>, metadata MAP<STRING, STRING> );

11. Dynamic Partitioning

  • What is it?: A technique where partitions are created dynamically based on the data being inserted, rather than pre-defining them.
  • Example: SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true; INSERT INTO TABLE sales PARTITION (year, month) SELECT * FROM source_data;

12. Hive Indexes

  • What is it?: Indexes in Hive are used to speed up query execution by reducing the amount of data to scan.
  • Types:
    • Bitmap Index: Efficient for columns with low cardinality.
    • Compact Index: Suitable for columns with high cardinality.

13. ACID Transactions

  • What is it?: Hive supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, allowing for updates, deletes, and inserts with full transactional guarantees.
  • Enable ACID: SET hive.support.concurrency=true; SET hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;


  • What are they?: Views in Hive are virtual tables that are defined by a query. They do not store data themselves but provide a way to simplify complex queries.
  • Example: CREATE VIEW view_sales AS SELECT id, amount FROM sales WHERE year = 2023;

15. Hive Partition Pruning

  • What is it?: Partition pruning is an optimization technique where Hive only scans the necessary partitions of a table based on the query’s WHERE clause.
  • Example: SELECT * FROM sales WHERE year = 2023 AND month = 7;
  • Benefit: Reduces the amount of data scanned, improving query performance.

16. Query Optimization Techniques

  • Predicate Pushdown: Pushes filter conditions closer to the data source to minimize data transfer.
  • Map-side Joins: Performing joins on the map side to avoid expensive reduce phase operations.
  • Bucketing and Sorting: Use bucketing and sorting to improve join and aggregation performance.

17. Thrift Server

  • What is it?: HiveServer2 is a Thrift service that enables clients to execute queries against Hive from different platforms and programming languages using JDBC, ODBC, and Thrift APIs.
  • Usage: Allows you to connect BI tools or other applications to Hive.

18. Compression

  • What is it?: Hive supports compression at various stages such as storage (file compression), intermediate data (MapReduce jobs), and final output.
  • Common Compression Codecs:
    • Gzip: Good compression, slower speed.
    • Snappy: Faster, moderate compression, widely used in big data.
    • LZO: Good balance of compression and speed.

19. HiveServer2 and Beeline

  • HiveServer2: An improved version of HiveServer with better concurrency, authentication, and security features.
  • Beeline: A command-line tool that connects to HiveServer2, providing a JDBC client for running Hive queries.

20. Security in Hive

  • Authentication: Methods include Kerberos and LDAP.
  • Authorization: Configurable access control, supporting SQL-standard based authorization, and storage-based authorization.
  • Encryption: Supports encryption of data at rest and in transit.

21. Resource Management

  • YARN: Hive jobs typically run on a Hadoop cluster managed by YARN, which allocates resources like CPU and memory.
  • Tez and Spark: Other execution engines can be used for better performance.

22. HCatalog

  • What is it?: HCatalog is a table and storage management layer for Hadoop that enables users with different data processing tools (like Pig, MapReduce) to access the same data.

23. Materialized Views

  • What are they?: Materialized views are precomputed views that store the result of a query physically and can be refreshed periodically or on demand.
  • Benefit: Can significantly speed up query performance for complex aggregations and joins.

24.Difference between bucketing and partition

In Hive, both bucketing and partitioning are used to organize data, but they serve different purposes:


  • Divides data into smaller chunks based on a column value (e.g., date, country)
  • Each partition is a separate directory in HDFS
  • Partitions are used for efficient data retrieval and querying
  • Partitions can be used for data pruning, reducing the amount of data scanned


  id INT,
  date DATE,
  amount DECIMAL(10, 2)


  • Divides data into smaller chunks based on a hash function (e.g., MOD(id, 32))
  • Each bucket is a separate file in HDFS
  • Buckets are used for efficient data storage and querying
  • Buckets can be used for data sampling and aggregation


CREATE TABLE customers (
  id INT,
  name STRING,
  email STRING

Key differences:

  • Partitioning is based on column values, while bucketing is based on a hash function
  • Partitions are separate directories, while buckets are separate files
  • Partitioning is used for data retrieval and pruning, while bucketing is used for data storage and sampling

In summary, partitioning is used to divide data into smaller chunks based on column values, while bucketing is used to divide data into smaller chunks based on a hash function. Both techniques can improve query performance and data management in Hive.

25.In Summary- How Hive Works?

Hive is a data warehousing and SQL-like query language for Hadoop. Here’s a high-level overview of how Hive works:


  1. Hive Metastore: Stores metadata about the data, such as table definitions and storage locations.
  2. Hive Query Compiler: Compiles Hive queries into MapReduce jobs.
  3. MapReduce: Executes the compiled jobs on the Hadoop cluster.
  4. HDFS: Stores the data.


  1. Query Submission: User submits a Hive query.
  2. Query Compilation: Hive Query Compiler compiles the query into a MapReduce job.
  3. Job Execution: MapReduce executes the job on the Hadoop cluster.
  4. Data Retrieval: MapReduce retrieves data from HDFS.
  5. Data Processing: MapReduce processes the data.
  6. Output: MapReduce writes the output to HDFS.
  7. Result Retrieval: Hive retrieves the output from HDFS and returns it to the user.

Key Components:

  1. HiveQL: Hive’s SQL-like query language.
  2. Metastore: Stores metadata about the data.
  3. SerDe: Serializes and deserializes data between Hive and HDFS.
  4. Storage Handlers: Handles data storage and retrieval.

How Hive Executes Queries:

  1. Parse: Parses the Hive query into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
  2. Bind: Binds the AST to the metastore to resolve table and column names.
  3. Optimize: Optimizes the query plan.
  4. Compile: Compiles the query plan into a MapReduce job.
  5. Execute: Executes the MapReduce job.

By understanding how Hive works, you can optimize your queries and data storage for better performance.

26.How hive manages extermal tables

Hive manages external tables differently from managed (internal) tables, primarily focusing on how data is stored and controlled. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Hive handles external tables:

External Tables in Hive

External tables in Hive are tables where the data is not managed by Hive. Instead, the data is stored externally, and Hive only manages the metadata.

Key Characteristics of External Tables:
  1. Data Storage Location:
    • When you create an external table, you specify the location of the data using the LOCATION clause. The data can reside in HDFS, Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or any other compatible file system.
    • Hive does not move or copy the data to its warehouse directory. Instead, it directly reads from the specified location.
  2. Metadata Management:
    • Hive stores the schema and table metadata in the Hive Metastore.
    • The table schema includes information like column names, data types, partitioning information, and the location of the data.
  3. Data Control:
    • Since Hive does not manage the actual data in external tables, dropping an external table only removes the metadata from the Hive Metastore but does not delete the underlying data.
    • This makes external tables ideal when you need to use data managed by other systems or tools and don’t want Hive to take control of the data lifecycle.
  4. Use Cases:
    • Shared Data: When the data is shared across different tools and should not be deleted when the table is dropped.
    • Existing Data: When you have existing datasets on HDFS or another system and want to query them without moving or copying the data.
    • Temporary Data: For staging or temporary data that should persist after a table drop, external tables are preferred.
Creating an External Table:

When creating an external table, you need to specify the EXTERNAL keyword and provide the data location.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE external_table_name (
id INT,
name STRING,
age INT
LOCATION '/path/to/external/data';

In this example:

  • CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE: Tells Hive that the table is external.
  • LOCATION: Specifies the path where the data resides.
  • ROW FORMAT and STORED AS: Define the format and storage structure of the data.
Managing External Tables:
  1. Loading Data:
    • For external tables, you do not load data using Hive’s LOAD DATA command. Instead, the data already exists at the specified location.
    • Hive will read from the location directly, making the data immediately available for querying.
  2. Querying Data:
    • Querying external tables is similar to querying managed tables. Hive processes the queries by reading the data from the specified external location.
  3. Partitioning:
    • External tables can be partitioned similarly to managed tables. You can add partitions manually or allow dynamic partitioning if configured.Partitions in external tables correspond to subdirectories under the main location.
    Example of adding a partition to an external table: ALTER TABLE external_table_name ADD PARTITION (year=2023, month=8) LOCATION '/path/to/external/data/year=2023/month=8';
  4. Dropping External Tables:
    • Dropping an external table only removes the table metadata from the Hive Metastore. The data files at the specified location remain intact.
    DROP TABLE external_table_name;
  5. Handling Data Files:
    • Since Hive does not manage the data files, users must manually manage (move, delete, modify) the data files outside Hive if necessary.

Advantages of External Tables:

  • Data Persistence: Data remains even if the table is dropped.
  • Flexibility: Allows Hive to interact with data managed by other systems without moving it.
  • Integration: Useful for integrating Hive with other Hadoop ecosystem tools that might require direct access to data.
  • Data Management: Users need to ensure proper management of the data files since Hive won’t automatically clean them up.
  • Permissions: Proper permissions should be managed on the file system where the data resides to avoid unauthorized access or accidental deletion.

External tables in Hive are a powerful feature for managing and querying data that resides outside of Hive’s direct control. They provide flexibility in managing data across different systems, ensuring that the data can be used by multiple applications while maintaining the advantages of Hive’s SQL-like querying capabilities.

27.How bucketing Happens in Hive? What do you mean by hash value of a column?

Bucketing in Hive

Bucketing is a technique in Hive that helps organize large datasets into manageable chunks, making it easier to query and process data efficiently. In bucketing, Hive divides the data into “buckets” based on the value of one or more columns.

How Bucketing Works:

  • When you create a table in Hive with bucketing, you specify a column (or set of columns) to be used for bucketing and the number of buckets.
  • Hive then applies a hash function to the column(s) specified for bucketing.
  • The result of the hash function determines which bucket the data should go into.
  • Each bucket is essentially a file within the table’s directory, and all records that fall into the same bucket have the same hash value modulo the number of buckets.

Example of Creating a Bucketed Table:

CREATE TABLE employee_bucketed (
id INT,
name STRING,
department STRING

In this example:

  • The table employee_bucketed is bucketed on the id column.
  • The data will be divided into 4 buckets.

What is a Hash Value?

A hash value is a numeric value generated by applying a hash function to an input, such as a column value in Hive. The hash function is designed to distribute data uniformly across the buckets.

For example:

  • Suppose the id column is used for bucketing, and its value is 12345.
  • Hive applies a hash function to 12345, resulting in a hash value.
  • This hash value is then divided by the number of buckets (using modulo operation) to determine the bucket number.


bucket_number = hash_function(id) % number_of_buckets

If the number_of_buckets is 4 and the hash function for id = 12345 returns 15, then:

bucket_number = 15 % 4 = 3

This means the record with id = 12345 will be placed in bucket 3.

Advantages of Bucketing:

  1. Improved Query Performance: By distributing the data evenly across buckets, Hive can read only the necessary buckets, reducing the amount of data scanned during queries.
  2. Efficient Joins: Bucketing can optimize join operations when two tables are bucketed on the same column and have the same number of buckets. This enables efficient map-side joins, reducing the data shuffled across the network.
  3. Sampling: Bucketing allows Hive to perform more efficient sampling operations, which can be useful in large datasets.

When to Use Bucketing?

  • Data Skew: When there is a data skew and certain values occur more frequently, bucketing helps to distribute the data more evenly.
  • Join Optimization: When performing frequent join operations on large datasets, especially when the join keys are frequently queried.
  • Sampling Needs: When you need to sample data in a structured and repeatable manner.

Difference Between Partitioning and Bucketing:

  • Partitioning: Divides the table into separate directories based on column values. It is suitable when the data is naturally divided into categories (e.g., by date, region).
  • Bucketing: Divides the data within each partition (or within the entire table if not partitioned) into buckets based on the hash value of a column.

Example: If you partition a table by year and bucket it by id, the data will first be divided into directories by year, and then within each year, the data will be bucketed into files by id.

Bucketing in Hive is a method of organizing data into buckets based on the hash value of one or more columns. This technique is beneficial for improving query performance, optimizing joins, and enabling efficient sampling in large datasets. The hash value determines which bucket a particular record will be placed in, ensuring a more uniform distribution of data.

28.is HDFS external to Hive warehouse? How Hive relates to HDFS?

Let’s clarify these concepts and how they interact.

HDFS and Hive:

  • HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is the underlying storage layer for Hadoop, where all data is stored in a distributed manner across a cluster.
  • Hive is a data warehousing tool built on top of Hadoop that allows users to query and manage large datasets stored in HDFS using SQL-like queries (HiveQL).

Hive Warehouse:

  • The Hive warehouse is a directory within HDFS where Hive stores the data associated with Hive-managed tables.
  • By default, this warehouse directory is located at /user/hive/warehouse in HDFS, but this location can be configured.

Understanding the Relationship:

  1. Data Storage in Hive:
    • When you create a table in Hive, the data for that table is stored in HDFS.
    • Managed Tables: If you create a managed table (also called an internal table), Hive manages both the table schema and the data. The data is stored in the Hive warehouse directory in HDFS.
    • External Tables: If you create an external table, you specify the location of the data explicitly. Hive only manages the schema, and the data can be stored in any location in HDFS (outside the Hive warehouse) or even in other storage systems like S3.
  2. SerDe Role:
    • SerDe (Serializer/Deserializer) defines how Hive reads (deserializes) data from and writes (serializes) data to HDFS.
    • Regardless of whether the data is in the Hive warehouse or another location in HDFS, the SerDe tells Hive how to interpret the data format when querying or loading data into a table.

Example to Clarify:

  • Suppose you have a file stored in HDFS at /data/mydata.csv.
  • You want to create a Hive table that reads this data. You have two options:Option 1: Managed Table CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INT, name STRING, age INT ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE; LOAD DATA INPATH '/data/mydata.csv' INTO TABLE my_table;
    • Data Location: Hive will copy the file /data/mydata.csv into the Hive warehouse directory (e.g., /user/hive/warehouse/my_table in HDFS).Hive manages both the schema and data.
    Option 2: External TablesqlCopy codeCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_table_ext ( id INT, name STRING, age INT ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/data';
    • Data Location: Hive only stores the schema in its metastore, while the data remains at /data/mydata.csv in HDFS.
    • Hive does not move or manage the data; it just points to where the data is located.

Key Points to Remember:

  • HDFS is the storage layer where all data, including Hive data, is stored.
  • Hive Warehouse is a specific directory in HDFS managed by Hive for storing data of managed tables.
  • SerDe is responsible for interpreting the data format when Hive interacts with files in HDFS, whether in the Hive warehouse or elsewhere.

iMP Points:-

  • Hive uses HDFS to store data.
  • Data for managed tables is stored in the Hive warehouse directory within HDFS, while data for external tables can be stored anywhere in HDFS or even in external storage systems.
  • SerDe ensures that Hive can correctly read from and write to these files, regardless of their location in HDFS.

Hive doesn’t “own” HDFS; it simply uses it as a storage layer and manages data within a specific part of HDFS (the Hive warehouse) for managed tables.

29.Does partition pruning happens in traditional sql like it happens in Hive?

Partition pruning is a concept that is more commonly associated with systems like Hive, which are designed to handle very large datasets distributed across many files in a distributed storage system like HDFS. However, the concept of partition pruning can also apply to traditional relational database systems, though the implementation and use cases may differ.

Partition Pruning in Hive:

  • What is Partition Pruning?
    • In Hive, tables can be partitioned by certain columns, meaning that the data is divided into separate directories based on the values of these columns. For example, a table partitioned by year and month might have directories like /year=2023/month=01/.
    • Partition pruning occurs when Hive queries only the necessary partitions of the table based on the query’s WHERE clause. For example, if a query filters on year=2023 and month=01, Hive will only scan the data in the /year=2023/month=01/ directory, skipping the others.

Partition Pruning in Traditional SQL Databases:

Partitioning in SQL Databases:

Many traditional relational database management systems (RDBMS) like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server also support partitioning of tables.

Tables can be partitioned by range, list, hash, or other methods, and the data is divided accordingly.

Partition Pruning:

CREATE TABLE sales ( sale_id INT, sale_date DATE, amount DECIMAL(10, 2) ) PARTITION BY RANGE (sale_date) ( PARTITION p_2023_01 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('2023-02-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')), PARTITION p_2023_02 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('2023-03-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')) ); -- Query that triggers partition pruning SELECT * FROM sales WHERE sale_date >= '2023-01-01' AND sale_date < '2023-02-01'; In this example:

The table sales is partitioned by sale_date.

If you run a query filtering by sale_date for January 2023, the database will only scan the partition p_2023_01, skipping other partitions.

Key Differences Between Hive and Traditional RDBMS Partition Pruning:

  1. Data Storage:
    • Hive: Works on distributed storage (HDFS), and partition pruning directly affects which files or directories are read from HDFS.
    • RDBMS: Typically works on local or SAN storage, and partition pruning affects which parts of the table’s data are scanned.
  2. Query Execution:
    • Hive: Partition pruning is crucial for reducing the amount of data read from HDFS, as querying large datasets without pruning can be very inefficient.
    • RDBMS: Partition pruning helps in optimizing query execution time by reducing the amount of data scanned but is often part of broader optimization techniques like indexing.
  3. Schema Management:
    • Hive: Partitions are often manually managed, especially when dealing with external tables, and the concept of partitions is more exposed to the user.
    • RDBMS: Partition management is often more integrated and automatic within the database system, with more built-in support for maintaining and querying partitions.
  • Partition pruning does happen in traditional SQL databases, but the implementation and context are different from Hive.
  • In both Hive and traditional RDBMS, partition pruning helps improve query performance by limiting the data that needs to be scanned based on the query’s filtering conditions.
  • While the concept is similar, its impact is particularly significant in Hive due to the scale of data typically involved and the distributed nature of HDFS.

Partition pruning is a powerful optimization technique in both environments, but it’s more visible and often more manually managed in Hive compared to traditional RDBMS.

30.How hive will Pushes filter conditions closer to the data source to minimize data transfer?

Hive’s ability to push filter conditions closer to the data source to minimize data transfer is a key optimization strategy. This technique is often referred to as predicate pushdown. Predicate pushdown helps in reducing the amount of data read from the underlying storage by applying filters as early as possible in the query execution process.

How Predicate Pushdown Works in Hive:

  1. Early Filtering:
    • Hive tries to apply filtering conditions as early as possible, ideally at the level where the data is being read from the source (such as HDFS or an external database).
    • This means that instead of reading all the data into Hive and then applying the filters, Hive will attempt to push the filter conditions directly to the data source.
  2. Partition Pruning:
    • For partitioned tables, Hive can prune partitions based on the filters in the WHERE clause. This is a form of predicate pushdown where Hive will only scan the partitions that match the filter criteria, skipping unnecessary partitions.
  3. Storage Format Support:
    • Parquet and ORC are columnar storage formats commonly used in Hive that support predicate pushdown. When reading data from these formats, Hive can push down filters to only read the necessary columns and rows, reducing I/O operations.
    • For example, if a table is stored in ORC format and the query filters on a specific column, Hive can instruct the ORC reader to only read the relevant blocks that might contain the data matching the filter condition.
  4. External Databases:
    • When querying external databases (using Hive’s JDBC or other connectors), Hive can push down the filter conditions to the external database. This means that the database will apply the filters and only send the relevant data back to Hive, reducing the amount of data transferred over the network.

Example of Predicate Pushdown in Hive:

Let’s say you have a table stored in ORC format in Hive:

CREATE TABLE sales_orc (
sale_id INT,
sale_date STRING,
amount DECIMAL(10, 2),
country STRING

You run a query to get sales data for a specific country:

SELECT sale_id, amount FROM sales_orc WHERE country = 'USA';

How Predicate Pushdown Works Here:

  • Without Predicate Pushdown: If predicate pushdown is not utilized, Hive would read the entire sales_orc table from HDFS into memory, and then apply the filter country = 'USA'.
  • With Predicate Pushdown: Hive can push the WHERE clause (country = 'USA') down to the ORC file reader. The ORC reader will then only read the data blocks that contain records where country = 'USA'. This minimizes the amount of data read from HDFS, leading to faster query execution and reduced resource usage.

Benefits of Predicate Pushdown:

  1. Reduced I/O: Since only the necessary data is read from the storage, the amount of data transferred between the storage and the processing engine is minimized.
  2. Faster Query Execution: By filtering data early in the query process, less data needs to be processed, resulting in quicker query execution times.
  3. Lower Resource Usage: Pushing filters down reduces the amount of data that needs to be loaded into memory and processed, which in turn reduces CPU and memory usage.

Support in Different File Formats:

  • ORC and Parquet: Both of these formats support predicate pushdown. Hive leverages the built-in capabilities of these formats to push down predicates at the file read level.
  • Text and Avro: Predicate pushdown is not as effective in text or Avro formats since they are row-based and do not have the same block-based filtering capabilities as ORC and Parquet.

  • Predicate Pushdown in Hive is a key optimization that pushes filter conditions (e.g., WHERE clauses) as close as possible to the data source, whether it be HDFS, an external database, or a specific storage format.
  • This optimization reduces the amount of data read and transferred, leading to faster queries and more efficient use of resources.
  • The effectiveness of predicate pushdown is particularly significant when using columnar storage formats like ORC and Parquet, which are designed to support these optimizations.

By effectively utilizing predicate pushdown, Hive can improve performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.

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